Would you rather spend 3 months in London or HK?

Brexit won’t get you injured or arrested if you wander in the wrong district.

There is a lot more violent crime in London though. Like five or ten times more. And there are places that risk being ‘wrong districts’, times of night and places where you wouldn’t be safe walking alone. HK is still way safer (if safety is the deciding factor)


no it will only get you mugged, stabbed to death or get your face burnt off from an acid attack.

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Okay, fair enough.

Then I guess my answer is “neither.”

That’s a fear of mine going to london. Stabbings suck as well, but I rather get stabbed than acid thrown on my face. One is a cool scar if you live through it…the other one is not a cool scar.

That air quality though… :mask:

What is this, Hongdon? Lonkong? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s just the latest one. There was a guy in a highrise throwing acid at the crowds (of shoppers) in Mong Kok not that many years ago.

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If you want to avoid acid attacks , violent crime , Chinese food and don’t mind a different language … then Hong Kong seems more safe imo :wink:

Don’t be ridiculous :roll:

and don’t forget the van terrorist attacks.

Aside from the four years I spent living in Taiwan, I’ve lived in London all my life and I’ve never been stabbed or had acid thrown on my face, nor have I seen it happen. I know two people who were stabbed, but they were involved in gangs.

i’ve been all over the place. only place i’ve seen anyone mugged - london.

I was mugged several times when I was in secondary school, but never as an adult. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, or that London isn’t relatively dangerous, but as long as you stay out of the bad areas and don’t look like a clueless tourist ripe for pickpocketing/scamming, you’ll be fine.

London is much safer than it used to be. All the hysteria around “stabbings” and “acid attacks” is blown out of proportion. That kind of thing is mostly gang related and localised to certain areas that tourists would never go to.

well its never stopped me from going there, but i couldn’t say london, or england in general are safe.
every year i go home i notice more and more how rough of a country it is. especially at night time.

The only place I’ve seen anyone robbed is Paris. London is much safer than Paris.

Still, these big cities are fine as long as you exercise common sense.

I recon Paris is comparable to London, it’s mostly safe but there are times and places where it’s not quite. HK on the other hand just doesn’t have any apparent danger, much like Taipei. Leave the safety radar at home and it’s not a bother

Hk is the only city on the planet that is east meets west as its distinct and unique characteristic.

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Paris is much worse than London.

Murder rate is about half of Londons. Although the Paris Stats leave out the suburbs so that probably explains the difference

Hk is one of the safest cities on the planet except for the past four months.

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There’s a lot more homelessness in Paris and much more robberies and pickpockets and stuff. London isn’t the best but it’s a lot better already. Besides the fact that nobody speaks English also makes it extra hostile.