1-year-old: Indoor activities away from home (while it's hot!)

What are some indoor activities while it’s blazing lava heat outside? parents + a one-year-old that eats everything he finds.

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Painting with coloured (with food colouring) ice cubes.

Walk around at the Taipei 101 mall. Very strong ac.

Costco is good too …

There are community play centers in many areas, and lots of private ones depending on where you are.

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Put him on your lap and read to him


A one year old? They eat books too, and tear out the pages. I can’t get through three or for pages before mine is turning the pages and asking what everything is. It’s all learning, but they need a variety of exercise.
By the way, OP, if you’re not Taiwanese and you plan to be here awhile, it’s good for them to get used to the heat. Just take lots of water and sunblock and give them cool down time.

My mom did. I don’t remember learning to read, but I remember her reading to me

Ok, that sounds like a problem with your kid

Edit: that is to say, not necessarily every 1 year old, but I can understand how this can make reading difficult in your situation. Not that the kid has some kind of problem, I’m sure it is a perfectly normal child that doesn’t have some kind of disorder

No doubt

Wow, thanks doc. I remember my mother reading to me, but I’m not sure I remember anything from when I was one. We’ve been reading to ours since he was about six months old. He’s at a stage where he’s very curious and wants to know what everything is. Babies have different personalities, and he is an active learner.

Kids that age are not too demanding (as long as they are fed, dry, and had not picked the prohibited object first).

Clear the floor of ingestible objects, lie on the floor with a few toys spread over the floor. He might decide to turn you into an obstacle course, explore the room or nibble on something. Just open and secure the doors and watch as he explores from one end to another, and comes back now and then.

Oops, misworded; indoor activities out n about (not at home)

Lettuceboy is growing fast!

For indoor activities, there isn’t much to do for a 1yo.
One thing you can try is some swimming lessons for the boy.



Look for parent-child play center in Google Maps and you’ll find a few. They are probably the best (only?) option (besides some museums). Be ready for the overprotective Taiwanese parents. They will be overprotective with your child and told theirs to not play with his/her toys. They’ll also profusely apologize if their kid makes the slightest physical contact with yours.

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Yeah, parks too. Do Taiwanese parents of toddlers do that to each other or only foreigners? I know they don’t with older kids, but it’s usually just our baby and maybe one other in the park. The parents of older kids tell their kids not to run over the baby, but from a mildly observant distance.

That’s the one thing I’ve been doing and he loves it. Great suggestion :slight_smile:

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