10 years prison for CONSENSUAL oral sex! Seriously!

I think this case was mentioned in some thread before, but I couldn’t find it and it’s too incredible not to mention. 17 year-old boy gets 10 year sentence for getting a blowjob from a 15 year old girl. :loco:

Is there anyone who believes this punishment is proper? Is there anyone who believes the prosecutor is not a racist asshole?

Notice, also, that his sentence was 10 years because the girl gave him a BJ. If he had fucked her instead, his sentence would have been 1 year. :loco:

[quote]ATLANTA — Genarlow Wilson’s joy was short-lived. The Georgia man, who has become a symbol for extreme cases of getting tough on sex offenders, was ordered released from prison by a judge who called his 10-year sentence for having consensual oral sex as a teen “a grave miscarriage of justice.”

The verdict brought cheers from his legal team. His mother, Juannessa Bennett, wiped away tears as she called it “a miracle.”

But the mood dampened some 90 minutes later when the state’s attorney general announced he would appeal, which will keep the former honors student and football star behind bars for now.

Wilson’s case has gained national attention, with critics saying his sentence was far too harsh. Supporters like former President Jimmy Carter have said it raises questions about race and the criminal justice system.

“As far as I’m concerned, this case is a throwback to Southern justice,” said state Sen. Vincent Fort, an Atlanta Democrat.

Wilson, 21, and five other male partygoers charged in the cases were black, as were the two teenage girls involved.

Wilson is serving a 10-year mandatory sentence for having consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old girl in 2003, when he was 17. If his conviction is upheld, he will also be placed on Georgia’s sex offender registry.

At the time of his crime, Wilson would have faced just one year in prison if he had sexual intercourse with the girl. . . . He has been behind bars for more than 28 months.[/quote]
chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/ … 81866.html

This is a good example of why I fear conservatism.

How does racism fit into here? I know the the guy is black but that doesn’t make the decision automatically racist, does it!?
AFAIK the state’s attorney is black, too, so … ?

Oh yeah, the sentence is way too harsh.

You know, some days I can imagine the little head leading me into a deal like that. “Ten years for a blowjob?” “Do I get the blowjob first?”


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]You know, some days I can imagine the little head leading me into a deal like that. “Ten years for a blowjob?” “Do I get the blowjob first?”


10 years for a blowjob but your the one giving the blowjobs… in prison.

Yea the sentence is ridiculous.

The race issue is that the case did not get heard by the Georgia Supreme Court by a 4-3 vote. The 4 votes against hearing the case were by white supreme court justices. Also, Jimmy Carter has studied the case and has pointed out that other white defendents of similar cases did not receive any punishment close to what this guy got.

Seriously, Georgia is messed up. Until 98 Sodomy (oral sex) between consensual adults was considered illegal with a max sentance of 20 years. This applied to all adults including husband and wife. This law was came about because police serving a warrent found a man receiving oral sex from another man. This was in 1986. Hmm, maybe this law wasn’t against gay people? The law was

In 1998 this law was struck down by the Georgia Supreme Court and since then all state sodomy laws between private consenting adults have been invalidated.

Unfortunately, even the Georgia Supreme Court would not hear this mans appeals and we all know who voted against.


That it’s considered a crime at all is a miscarriage of justice. In Texas that would not have been illegal. There’s a three year age difference allowance starting at 14. A 14 and 17 year old can do what they want, 15 and 18, etc. 17 is the age of consent.

Statutory rape laws are not racially biased.

It would be racist if the prosecutor is pursuing this issue because the person caught was black, but would turn a blind eye if it were a white person who were caught. However, such a bias would have to be proven, and this would be extremely hard to do.

Many of these so called “rape” laws were based on the assumption that men were the more dominate of the pair and were prosecuted accordingly. We know know that many females can pursue and and conquer a young male. What happens? The young more vulnerable male is still at fault and thus prosecuted.
What about the situation where a 20 year old female is asleep in her parents bedroom basement and her boyfriend who happens to be a young 17 year old knocks and is granted to entery. He has sex with her and the boy’s parents find out. They want the vixen prosecuted for rape of their son.
Happened to me as prosecutor of a small county in America. I refused to prosecute. Why? The kid would have sufferred a year of crap as a high school student. Nobody would have gained from a prosecuction and no young male would have been deterred from a similar event because of such a prosecution. Was I right? Hell, I thought so. I was ultimately persecuted in the news and made to look like an ogre. In hindsight, I should have prosecuted the bitch and sent her to a female prison to be viloted for the next 30 years of her life all because of a young kid with a hard on that turned her on…
I just couldn’t do it, don’t regret the decision and I hope the kid agrees now that he is a bit older.

But sodomy concerns sex at the other end of the alimentary canal.


No sentence for the girl. She was the one performing the act. Oh man, I am in Georgia right now. I got to go call a couple of girls, no seriously this is so bad. I am in so much trouble. What a wack ass law.


Not in legal jargon, where it is an umbrella term for various sexual behaviors which are not the “standard” model, and have traditionally been thought to be perverted. Bestialiality for example is sometimes subsumed under it.


So, to get it right, should one go to Buggery then?

I believe that’s the Commonwealth term.

In the States the technical term is Cornholery.

It must be confusing to be a lawyers’ wife. “Tonight dear, we revisit sodomy.” “Shudder.”


[url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6747807.stm]You might argue that Elisa Kelly, who shares her cell with nine other inmates, is lucky, because her original sentence of eight years was slashed to 27 months after a lengthy and costly appeals process which finally hit a dead end when the US Supreme Court refused to hear her case…

Elisa’s crime was to hold a birthday party for her 16-year-old son Ryan and serve his friends beer.[/url]

What can you say?


Any idea who tipped of the police or how they knew? The article doesn’t mention …

I can say: “Glad I am not American”.

Nice place to visit, but man, who would want to live there?

Still, when compared to Mexico, 7 million people decided “Yes, I want to live there”.

[quote=“urodacus”]I can say: “Glad I am not American”.

Nice place to visit, but man, who would want to live there?

Still, when compared to Mexico, 7 million people decided “Yes, I want to live there”.[/quote]

there is a big difference between state law and federal law. If you don’t like a law or laws you can always move to a state that is more accommodating.

We (the USA) are still the economic power and frankly you can bitch about the politics and anything else but, it is a great place to succeed and live out ones dreams.

Good article Loretta.

[quote]In Virginia, like in much of the US, you can drive when you are 15, die in the army at 17 and buy a gun at 18.

But you cannot let beer or wine pass your lips legally until you are 21. . .

The bizarre and selective Puritanism of the US is as old as the nation.

This country boasts a multibillion dollar porn industry that dwarfs the GDP of most developing countries.

The evening news is cluttered with adverts for erectile dysfunction: “If your erection lasts for more than six hours consult a physician.”

But there were howls of outrage when the singer Janet Jackson allowed her left breast to be exposed in a “wardrobe malfunction” during the Super Bowl half-time show in 2004.

A friend of mine was lambasted by an elderly gentleman on a deserted beach in North Carolina for allowing her three-year-old son to roam naked in the sand. . .

. . . the spirit of prohibition lite lingers even today.

In Washington DC, a city forever vying for the title of murder capital of the US, liquor stores are closed on Sunday.

The same is true in Virginia, Wyoming and 32 other states.

It is not just about the evils and perils of booze.

It is about the intrusion of civic America into the lives of its citizens. . . [/quote]

Poor woman. :frowning: