上最新的house music以及最震撼的breaks。
Come and celebrate your lasting, deep, and intimate passion for
Like the Gemini twins (the dark and the light), this event
features two rooms with some of the island’s most highly rated djs
playing everything from funk to hip-hop, the latest in house to the
baddest in breaks.
The ladies will be looking fine, and the boys will be dressed to kill…
so whether or not you have a certain special someone…
Cupid had best pack a few extra quivers of arrows.
White Room:
DJ Victor
[Taipei - Taipei Times Best DJ - 2005]
DJ Rob Solo
[Taipei Times Best Foreign DJ - 2004]
Dirty G.
[Taipei Times Best Foreign DJ - 2006]
DJ Peter Burke
Black Room:
2Hands & Oddjob
[Tainan - Funk, Old Skool]
DJ Stan Wu
[Taipei Times Best DJ - 2006]
Luke, Ryan, & Phil
[Back by popular demand!]
DJ Agogo
Drink Specials:
9:00~10:30 啤酒買1送1 / 9:00PM - 10:30PM All Drinks Buy 1 get 1 Free!!
啤酒最低100元 / Beer as low as NT$100
多種調酒任選@ 150元 / Large Selection of Mixed Drinks @ NT$150
門票: NT$500 (2 drinks)
日期: 2月10號(六) / Saturday, February 10th.
時間: 9:00PM - 5:00AM
地點: Private Party Disco Pub
地點: 高雄市苓雅區四維四路 10 號地下一樓 (靠近中山路於四維四路與仁義街轉角處兆豐國際商業銀行地下一樓)
B1F., No.10, Sihwei 4th Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City (Under Mega International Commercial Bank)
電話: (07) 951- 3080
Organiser: Frisky Entertainment & Kaohsiung Underground
Private Party Website:
Kaohsiung Underground:
More details soon…