2 New 3 Michelin Star Restaurants In Taiwan

It was a delicious dish. I was happy with it.

You would usually do research about a place before you go. If you like more creative stuff, there are definitely places for it.

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I just wanted to chime in to say that this threadā€”at least so farā€”is awesome. :grin:



I think any dish like that with peas would be quite a hard sell for any brit as peas are like are most budget basic veg option.


I can see that.

I think people will get really upset at that this dish then :joy: from a 2 star in Italy from a well renowned chef.

Omg that is a cruel joke! They extended the rim of the plate inwards!!

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Tbf, it was like a crazy 15 courses you eat there so every dish was rather small for you to taste and be able to finish.

The prawn one and the other I mentioned I had the night before was from Istanbul. I wanted to see what kind of stuff they had going on in Turkey. The thing I enjoyed was the wine paring. Turns out, Turkey has the perfect climate and soil for wine making but itā€™s just not famous because itā€™s not supported domestically as itā€™s a Muslim country. So I got to try some really interesting wines I would have never tried.


@RickRooney I can assure I that with those sizes after 8 dishes I feel very full, especially if with the wine pairing.

Au contraire


Itā€™s all a gimmick in those spheres of culinary delicacy. Youā€™re paying to keep up appearances. No oneā€™s hunger is satisfied by a roasted whatever-the-fuckā€™s corpse laid next to a teaspoon of peas and some mystery sauce. What the upper classes donā€™t project is the obligatory deliveroo for the big mac meal once the entertained company has left.

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I think its just a poor mans scampi and mushy peas :wink:

Get down chippy for some proper scran.

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Maybe itā€™s actually a piece of art? The prawn is foreshadowing how the average guest is going to be spending the evening, i.e. comatose somewhere in a puddle of sick next to a dying white rose.

Sounds very anglaise to me

Bonne fuckin nuit m8

Edit: just realised itā€™s in Istanbul. I havenā€™t been there, so canā€™t make any cultural quips, but letā€™s just PRETEND it was in London for the sake of my exquisite joke.


As Iā€™ve mentioned, most of these are only 1 of the many courses you would enjoy. And most of the time, you end up quite full.

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Man, itā€™s pointless. Who doesnā€™t want to understand wonā€™t understand. There no worse deaf than who doesnā€™t want to listen.


I get why people might not enjoy these places. They can feel and can be a bit pretentious at times and thereā€™s definitely a price exclusion of eating at them. And there are people who just go ā€œfor keeping up imagesā€ without appreciation of all the hard work done by the entire restaurant.

But done right, it can be a wonderful experience to enjoy peak culinary perfection. They donā€™t always achieve it, but part of it is also being a critic yourself when going.

You do have to enjoy culinary arts to understand and enjoy eating in these places. And itā€™s not just the food, itā€™s the whole experience including service. Thereā€™s a joy sitting at a table and wanting for nothing when the service is worthy of a Michelin star. Things like a server telepathically knowing your needs and literally never having an empty cup as a keen service team would refill them immediately. There can also be story telling involved.

Itā€™s not an experience everyone will enjoy and find value in, and thatā€™s fine. I personally wouldnā€™t like it all the time. But Iā€™m happy that Iā€™m able to indulge once in a while without suffering financially.


I would enjoy some of the dishes.
But I think diners have the right to throw the fails against the nearest wall. The chefā€™s wall of shame.


Thereā€™s a little less than 3000 restaurants in the world with a star, and like 150 with 3 stars. Seems pretty exclusive.

I love budget / simple food done differently and exquisitely. Shows you the potential of things that are accessible.

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You can do budget food exquisitely anywhere, ya donā€™t need a Michelin star to do that.


Some nice dishes there for sure.

But the chef let the frog have his way with the cockroaches again Iā€™m afraid.

Iā€™m only having some fun here. :crazy_face:


I have no numbers for Taiwan, but I have been to quite a few Michelin star restaurants in Taiwan so the feeling is that Taiwanā€™s Michelin restaurants are a bit too common for a small country. But as I donā€™t have the numbers itā€™s just a feeling :slight_smile:

So not talking about worldwide, talking about Taiwan

I havenā€™t broken I down per capita but I think it may feel that way because nearly all of them or perhaps all of them seem to be in Taipei or Kaoshiung/Tainan. Taiwan has a concentrated population in a few areas so thereā€™s not so many restaurants that would thrive outside of these places.

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