2 New 3 Michelin Star Restaurants In Taiwan

There are many new stars awarded to restaurants in Taiwan this year.


Tairroir, not worth at all. Albeit better than RAW and palace (the other 3 stars in tpe), still a far cry from a proper 3 stars.

Good service and desserts, but hardly worth the accolade

Are they not too many? Seems every restaurant have a star…. Shouldn’t it be an exclusive rating to get a star and work hard to maintain it… Or am I just old and grumpy and remembering the old times in Europe when one could never afford to eat at a 1 star Michelin restaurant as it was very exclusive :wink:

Well, the not so secret secret is that local govs literally pay Michelin to visit and rate restaurants accordingly.

In TW Michelin guide is a charade, I’ve been to many, very very few impressed me and all have max 1 star.


Tbh, I feel like it’s been like this for a while in other countries, including Europe. There’s been many that I felt didn’t deserve a star or 2 stars before in some way.

Maybe it’s also because expectations are so high now, especially if you’ve been to many of them.


There’s also the sustainability star now. I just got back from one in Istanbul with 1 star and 1 sustainability star. Idk how the sustainability adds to the experience of a restaurant for me so I feel likes it’s a bit of a gimmick.


It looks like the sustainability is about avoiding food waste…


If you ever worked at a restaurant, any good ones will avoid it because it’s a huge cost to them with already low margins. It just means finding ways to use food before they go bad. Usually it goes in the free opening tasting dish from the chef. I don’t really see how this adds to the client experience.

It feels like it’s something marketing came up with.

It’s a marketing ploy, most things in ESG are pure marketing and green washing, but still some use comes out of ESG so worth doing IMO.

Was just trying to make a joke on the single prawn, probably not funny anyway :wink:


Was actually my favorite dish :drooling_face:


Prawn surprise

Shrimp with green peas is… :sweat_smile:
I would burst out laughing if they served it to me.


Prawn a la Green Pea I believe.
Or Prawn a La Vert Petiti-Pois. Voila Monsieur , the Ambassador is most welcome at chez moi.

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It clearly tasted good, and I respect @Andrew0409 when it comes to his taste. Looks a bit amateur, though.

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It looks absolute rubbish.


There’s like 10 courses. You do end up quite full at the end.

It’s not an experience for everyone. You’re there to taste.


Looks like they assembled a dish with the last two things left in the coolroom.

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And I cannot agree with three star either of those having been to both. Nice, yes. 1 star, maybe. 2 star, hardly. 3 star, no.

JL Studio was even disappointing would not go again for either the food or atmosphere.

Michelin Taiwan is a scam.


1 shrimp and some peas in a puddle of butter? Looks like shit mate, take the stars back.


Not all dishes need to be complicated. Sometimes very simple is also important if done right. The prawn was perfectly cooked and seared with crusting that had flavors. The sauce was very complementary.

This was another 1 star I had the night before that one but I much preferred the flavors of the prawn everyone seems to think sucks :joy:

It’s also about the transition between dishes and wine paring.

It’s not an experience everyone would enjoy and I appreciate that. I wouldnt like to eat like this everyday. Give me a bowl of beef noodle soup or a nice cheeseburger would make me happy.