2008 USA Democratic Party Convention in Denver, Colorado

[quote=“TainanCowboy”][quote=“MikeN”]You gotta love conservatives.
They’re always complaining about the shiftless, um, “African-Americans” who sit around demanding hand-outs and won’t work their way up like decent white folks do, and when someone like Michelle or Barack Obama does exactly that, what’s the response?
They’re so uppity, ooops, “elitist”.[/quote]
Is that what it’s like in your world MikeN?

I’ve never seen that in mine. However I have seen the Demo party work long and hard to perpetuate the plantation mentality with minorities. Keeping them on the government tit and ruining the family unit in those who got on the Demo gov’t ‘gravy train.’[/quote]

But one can not be a victim unless consent is given…

Nice idea, until it runs into a fist. Where did you find that nugget?

Nice idea, until it runs into a fist. Where did you find that nugget?[/quote]

Shouldn’t that be posted in my “Ask Namahottie” thread?

And the Demo Convention rolls on…Its Barry Time! with the nomination.

With the tinfoil hat conspiracy of Obama’s birth certificate shot down, and those predictions of “blood on the floor at the bitterly-divided Convention” turning into yesterday’s soggy mush, we wait with bated breath for the next looney-tune theme from the

And, how does the Big Guy feel about all this? (the other Big Guy)

[quote]A few weeks ago, Stuart Shepard of Focus on The Family urged members of that organization to pray for rain during Barack Obama’s acceptance speech tomorrow night.

"I'm talking 'umbrella-ain't-going-to-help-you rain," the former pastor and television meteorologist said. He explained on the video: "I'm still pro-life, and I'm still in favor of marriage as being between one man and one woman. And I would like the next president who will select justices for the next Supreme Court to agree." 

Based on weather predictions, it seems like G-d had better things to do.

[T]omorrow's weather forecast for Denver calls for a high of 82 degrees, with nary a cloud in the sky. [/quote]


nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphic … y#contents
Tropical Storm GUSTAV

Republican Convention kicks off in New Orleans at 2 pm Monday.

Greek temples were built to honor and glorify the patron deity.
They were built as the gods house on earth and usually held a cult statue featuring the god. They were meant as homes for the individual god, gods or goddess who protected and sustained the community.

The Obama is pleased.

I listened to Bill Clinton and John Kerry. Joe Biden started out really boring so I didn’t listen to it all. President Clinton was great. He’s still got it. John Kerry did good at jabbing at McCain. A little talk about real patriotism and then he introduced Obama’s uncle who is a WWII veteran. (They had their white folks there.)
Tomorrow is Obama’s turn. Conservatives seem to have a problem with greek pillars or something. I heard the GOP convention will have a prison motif. All the delegates in stripes, and the security in hoods. Then they’ll carry McCain in on a stretcher.

I heard Bill was going to play the sax for them.

Some David Allen Coe song…


Greek temples were built to honor and glorify the patron deity.
They were built as the gods house on earth and usually held a cult statue featuring the god. They were meant as homes for the individual god, gods or goddess who protected and sustained the community.

The Obama is pleased.[/quote]
Looks like the portico of the White House. PLEASE tell me you’re being ironic, TC! :laughing:


Greek temples were built to honor and glorify the patron deity.
They were built as the gods house on earth and usually held a cult statue featuring the god. They were meant as homes for the individual god, gods or goddess who protected and sustained the community.

The Obama is pleased.[/quote]

Yadda Yadda Yadda…Bush had one too in his nomination…Warning:Temples usually mean sacrifices ahead

No need to wait for the speech to be given, McClatchy has already written the story.

I’m watching his speech now, and again he talks about change, change, change. And I’m getting tired of that word. What is this change you envision Obama? He keeps talking about the losses we’ve incurred during the last 8 years and all of these American experiences, but he’s not driving home nor telling me why he’s qualified. It’s been 20 mins of :blah: :blah: :blah: and the worst thing is, Gore had a FAR better speech and defined in certain terms why Obama should be president.

Is it too late to vote for Gore? :ponder: :slight_smile:

The streamers littering the stage were a bad idea.

Nama wrote: [quote]I’m watching his speech now, and again he talks about change, change, change. And I’m getting tired of that word. [/quote]

Well, Obama’s speeches sound a whole lot better if you have a sip every time you hear “change”! :beer:

I got a phone call at 9:30 this morning from my brother, who was sitting in the midst of the convention, enjoying the show. I was very envious. Watched a little on CNN and listened to Michelle and Hill’s speaches online and I agree that it IS a momentuous and historic occassion and it must be very moving to be there.

Ending 8 years of disastruous rule that have only gotten us deeper into debt, deeper into war, deeper into poverty, deeper into ignorance, deeper into environment devastation and deeper into alienation of the rest of the world. It’s about time to turn all that around and clearly Obama’s the better man for the job.

As for the historic-ness of it all, it’s great also that America has come so far, so quickly, that we are now on the verge of electing a black man president, when in the year of his birth many African Americans did not even have a real right to vote, or to eat, drink or sleep in the same place a white man could. That’s a remarkable transformation. Of course it’s neither good nor bad to have a black president – his character and capabilities are obviously what matters (and Obama passes that test) – but it’s still great to see the progress we’ve made as a nation in getting past the color of a man’s skin.

And, much as I envied my brother (who’s a Denver native) sitting in the stadium amidst the excitement, I’m even more thrilled for my nephew, who’s just a 21-year old college student, but has worked the past couple months as an organizer of the event, supervising teams of volunteers. He turned down an alternate summer job working at a resort in Belize (also a fantastic opportunity) and I’m sure he made the right choice. Not only will this look fantastic on his resume, but he must be totally exuberant to see all that work culminate in such a terrific spectacle – like a 4-day music festival without the bare breasts and drugs.

Wired played Wordle with Obama’s acceptance speech. Looks like this:

I wonder how McCain’s will look.

Thanks Jaboney - I would have been better off drinking every time I heard “promise” rather than “change.”

Time for a change. I think I should swill a few kirins instead of my usual TB.

[quote=“almas john”]Thanks Jaboney - I would have been better off drinking every time I heard “promise” rather than “change.”

Time for a change. I think I should swill a few kirins instead of my usual TB.[/quote]
For the Republican convention, I suggest you drink to “9/11” when Rudy speaks, “al’Qaeda” when Cheney’s up, and “experience” for Grandpa John. Hit all those marks and you’ll be sloppy for a good week or more. Don’t let anyone talk you into drinking every time Dubya flubs a line or you’ll wake up in ICU waiting on a new liver.

:slight_smile: :laughing:
Good stuff!

Back to Obama, I think he is a good speaker, but not a great speaker. I like him “unplugged” more than when he does the big “stadium rock” stuff. Too theatrical for my taste. I find the trembling of the drawn out vowels annoying after a minute or two - is this an African American preaching style?
I listened to Bill Clinton’s speech and thought he was great (and looking in good shape too, the old dog).

:slight_smile: :laughing:
Good stuff!

Back to Obama, I think he is a good speaker, but not a great speaker. I like him “unplugged” more than when he does the big “stadium rock” stuff. Too theatrical for my taste. I find the trembling of the drawn out vowels annoying after a minute or two - is this an African American preaching style?
I listened to Bill Clinton’s speech and thought he was great (and looking in good shape too, the old dog).[/quote]

Drawn out vowels? I don’t get that, need video example.

– like a 4-day music festival without the bare breasts and drugs.[/quote] At the hotel, my friend, at the hotel… :smiling_imp: