2020 USA Presidential Elections Latest

I’m sure they tried.

I had absolute faith in 2016 as well. One of the toughest mornings waking up wondering what happened. We will see if they get it wrong again. I think they did, even worse this time with so many potential voters staying silent on their support of trump.

I mostly agree with this, with the caveat that I also think it’s true there are a lot of Trump voters out there who won’t admit they support Trump, when approached for their opinion.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a human or computer calling them, or if it’s actually anonymous, a lot of them have serious levels of paranoia.

Eh, I heard that about Korean Fish supporters here too… that they were shy on the phone with pollsters, but intended to vote for him… and on Election Day that never materialized.

I guess we’ll see in 4 weeks.

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Some of us understand computer security a bit too well.

They probably did, it’s just they got dwarfed by people with common sense. Which is probably what we’re about to witness in the US.

In a very close race those reluctant, paranoid ones might have an impact, just saying they are out there. Dems should probably point this out themselves to turn out the vote even more.

Interesting observation by Dinesh D’Souza, there is a new direction within the Republicans and a new purpose, doesn’t matter win or lose the Presidency, gloves are off and don’t expect them to be put back on any time soon.

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Being corrupt and trying to steal elections, not really a new direction for Republicans, its THE direction for decades.

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He’s spot on about young people buying the ad hom attacks on conservatives and the GOP. That described me to the dot. Mit Romney’s sons came to speak to my fraternity, we all rejected because, you know, republicans are racists, hate minorities, hate gays, etc.

Although I never considered myself a Democrat, that’s how I voted with that idea in mind.

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I had a feeling five years ago that civility was obsolete. Then Trump won, and I was convinced of it.

It was the end of the last remaining small shred of the namby-pambyism I had been indoctrinated with from youth. Can’t say I miss it.

All sensible people would like to live in a world without childish drama, but we’re not going to get there without slapping some cry-bullies in the face.

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They are bullies and you don’t gain anything by getting down on one knee to bullies.

I don’t really like either political party or just political parties in general. I’m not even DPP I’m Taiwan even though I’m extremely green.

But I think it’s great the gop are pushing back. And even exposing the democrats as a lot of the things they’ve claimed the GOP to be.

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But if you give them what they have coming, you get called the bully.

The first step in becoming strong is realizing that not everyone’s opinion of you matters, that you don’t have to enter a plea in their kangaroo courts.

Regarding Taiwan, I’ve cheered on candidates from both parties, as you say, being for Taiwan doesn’t mean allegiance to a party. I’m sure the same is true in the USA, if Republicans would oust the Washington swamp creatures and put people who actually want to serve the people, I think that would be great.

I don’t think there is much hope for the Democrats at the moment, I would hope for change but there doesn’t seem a will to change except for the worse at the moment.

I just hate the idea of party allegiance. I can’t say I’ve ever supported the KMT. But I’ve liked some of the things the smaller parties have said and I dislike some of the thing the DPP does with policy. I like to openly say these things and not worry about what party I’m A part of.

As for the Democrats, I think they still have hope. Trump will be gone this or in 4 years. I think they dug themselves into this position by 2016 and can not change direction with him in office. I don’t see them having this kind of reaction to other candidates. Unless you want to put up Ivanka haha.

I’m not a fan of dynasty type leadership, Trump loses, he and his family can go back to real estate. Even he wins I wouldn’t want to see another Trump on a 2024 ticket.

That was the weird thing, the establishment thinking everyone would embrace Jeb Bush, because he was a Bush. Not that you need imagine a Jeb Bush Presidency because Hillary Clinton would have crushed him.

I quite liked Rand Paul, but like his father Ron the media have a way of chewing up and spitting out nice guys. They do it to Democrats too, there were some nice guys in their line up, yet somehow Joe Biden is their choice.

Yeah, 7.9% is considered good in most countries.

That, and given that the restaurant industry is still being hammered…when that comes back that number will drop even more. It’s just the covid thing. Noting will be back to normal until this mess is sorted…and that worldwide…is going to take a long time.

They treated Yang like Ron Paul. An absolute disgrace as both had interesting things to say and add to the conversation.

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That lady’s reaction was exactly the same as Hillary’s in the video lol. Go back and look at it.

Ridiculous video with no sense of recent history. The Republicans have been doing this for years. No need to go further back than the personal attacks on Obama.