2022 Municipal Elections

Will be interesting to see if Taipei has gone much greener. Taiwan as a whole is light green now, it was light blue until 2018 or so.

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Clock Chen’s new campaign slogan and art (designed by his son, who is an industrial designer).
Looks like some traffic flow. Incoming lane from the left, must yield to arrow traffic going straight, but uh-oh… there’s suddenly a traffic circle/roundabout dead ahead. What to do? Most drivers cannot handle that, probably same as with the voters thinking wtf.


Can’t believe that clown still has a mask over his face while standing alone in front of a poster. It makes him look like a gangster. Why he thinks anyone would trust him to do anything well is beyond me. I wouldn’t trust him to clean the toilet.

At least he’s keeping up the good old tradition of handing out jobs to whichever family member is marginally qualified.

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So . . . has this persuaded you to vote for him? :upside_down_face:


Uhhh. Cannot vote. Remember. Us furry-ners have so many rights here.

OK, with your KHH identity, what’s your take on the incumbent mayor of Kaohsiung?


I think i’ve mentioned before. I despise all politicians. Only goal after being elected is to then get re-elected. That goes for both aisles of the spectrum.
If there were term limits on ALL politicians everywhere of under 10 years, we wouldn’t have stupid-ass laws, because, hey… they’d actually have to live under them in the real world and hence would not enact stupid-ass laws. [steps down from soapbox…]

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So what you’re saying is it doesn’t matter how they perform? That’s not great.

I appreciate the candour.


Especially given how “clean” most dental clinics are.

Looks like DPP candidates can plagiarize theses just as good as KMT candidates can.


So what’s up with all the plagiarism accusations flying around against political candidates and sitting politician in Taiwan? The excellent C Donovan Smith, writing at Taiwan News, provides an overview of what’s happened so far:


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Good article. C Donovan Smith has emerged as one of the most readable and interesting political commentators out there . . .


Yes, nice to see some independent thinking on the elections.

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Meanwhile in Yilan . . .


This website is great. :joy:

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Taiwan news and readable? :face_with_monocle:

Read him with an open mind.

He’s not a fool. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sure about that? He couldn’t even get past the first paragraph unscathed.

TAICHUNG (Taiwan News) — So far during this election cycle five politicians have been hit with accusations of plagiarizing their theses, and one accused of pretending to go to a high school he didn’t attend.

Tseng Yen-chieh (曾姸潔), 39, is running for Taoyuan City Council office on behalf of the Taiwan People’s Party. I guess do whatever it takes.


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