Ok, one of my classmates is starting to date this 35 year old fairly cute girl here in taiwan. We are all in the same Chinese class and he is a nice guy but I am curious as to what you all think of such a relationship. Honestly, the girl looks about 25 and when I found out she was 35 I was quite surprised.
BTW He is North American, she is Thai.
They’re both roughly in their sexual prime (or so they say), he’s probably not taking advantage of some naive innocent but instead may learn something from a more experienced partner, and she should be experienced enough to know what she’s getting into and take care of herself. Sounds just fine.
Does it make you or your classmates uncomfortable? Why? Envious?
haha, no not envious or nervous. Just curious really. Seems a little strange to me the big age gap but I don’t really know what to make of it. I guess you could say its more like a “class soapopera” and I’m quite interested.
My sister is 31 and her hubby is in his late 50s (and has terminal lung cancer). They’ve been together for about 10 years - she actually dumped her ex-fiance for this older guy. He’s not rich and she’s not particularly good-looking, so it’s not a sugar daddy thing. But it seems to work for them.
Relationships between consenting adults are really only the business of the couple. As long as both partners are adults, I don’t see why an age difference should be a serious matter for others to be concerned about. I guess I fall under the “should not matter” belief category.
There were fourteen years between my husband and myself. I was 21to his 35 when we met. Age is relative only to what you make of it. I can’t say what it would have been like when I was 60 to his 74 as he didn’t live long enough - he died at 47 years of age. I do know, though, that the years we had were good years and other than the odd comment from insufferable idiots, we had a blast.
The scenario you mention would happen in a relationship that spanned 4 decades. How many relationships last that long these days? Even if people are the same age, and buck the trend in divorces etc, what are the chances that one partner might fall ill in this amount of time anyway? At any rate, wouldn’t people rather have 20-30 good years with a real soulmate than a lifetime with the wrong person?
And, anyway, I somehow doubt the OP’s classmates are going to have a long term relationship. There’s a young guy getting his jollies with an exotic, experienced woman and an older woman enjoying a young man with an iron-hard member. I say let them enjoy.
The main problem that could arise when the guy is just 21 is that he might not be ready to become a father or support a family yet. The woman on the other hand, might want to have children NOW and can’t wait until she’s over forty. That’s the reason why there are much more couples where the bloke is old and the woman is young and pretty.
If the two don’t want to have children I’d say go for it and enjoy it.
I second that. It never ceases to amaze me how eager everyone is to dictate what is “acceptable” and what is not between consenting adults. I would be a rich man if I had a nickel for every “piece of advice” and “word of caution” I’ve heard offered to or about couples with “significant” age gaps.
I’m surprised we don’t have legislation in all of our home countries forbidding couples marrying with more than a 2-year age gap between them, because the level of vitriol out there for such couples is truly outstanding. In the United States at least, we have laws dictating acceptable genders, positions, orifices, toys, and number of people who may be in a marriage. So why not throw in age as well? I’ve probably heard at least as much nay saying and seen as much head shaking about people with an age gap marrying as I have regarding same-sex marriage, so why not throw them into the lot as well? It’s the will of the people!
j/k, as long as they are cool with each other, and it’s legal, good for them.[/quote]
Thats a great avartar[/quote]
Thanks, haha. how true huh?[/quote] Is it really?[/quote]
Begging and paying for sex is true. But I’m happy to see that they are accepting credit cards these days. Cash is so dirty.