21st Century Energy Policy

What do you think anyone could possibly gain from denying India’s growth?

I don’t know, but growth of many African countries have been actively suppressed for the last several centuries. Who knows what could be gained from it. If I have to guess, it’s basically eliminating competitors.

One. That’s not how economics works.

Two. Countries are not companies.

Three. Economics is not zero sum. Trade is mutually beneficial.

Four. Democracy, as we define it has existed in some form for the last 100 years at most. In during that time, it was a long and arduous process for countries to work together to create the longest continuous expansion of living standards worldwide that has benefitted everyone that has participated in the rules-based world order of fair and expanded trade.

We stand to benefit from trade.

I was merely pointing out that developed and rich nations are the main source of the global problem. I would say that there’s no solution if Indians expect to waste as much as we do, just because we do. Yes, I would say that Indians are overly eager to migrate to Canada just so they can waste a lot, and feel like they’ve achieved something. Sure, but achieved what? Obesity à la Big Macs?

I have a broken femur and can’t go anywhere yet. It takes months to walk again…

You have a typically short-sighted view of the situation. If you’d suggested to a person two hundred years ago that we could travel in space, would they have believed you? There are several real alternative energy sources, and all of them are viable. They will soon be building more gigantic wind farms in the Baltic sea. Soon ALL power in Iceland will come from geothermal sources. There are plenty of untapped volcanos on Earth. Plus, NEW battery technologies are being developed right now all over the world which will make lithium seem ungainly. Solar will become more practical. In Morocco they are building massive solar boilers in the desert to generate steam to power electric generating turbines. They could build tons of those in Arabia!

See above, many new alternatives better than fossil and nuclear coming online. But who owns the Capital? Big oil and that means the wasteful consumers of the U.S.A. and the princes of Arabia, and other hypocrites in the U.K. and Holland and everywhere will resist change because they are greedy, stupid and selfish.

Just ride a bicycle and use the MRT for starters. Walk. Become more activist rather than cynically resigned… All of us can seek change. Put some books into the fat Mercs and Beamers at 3:00 a.m.

Exactly! This!

Also. Same exact point, but change the word nuclear for green and it is exactly the same arguments made.

in short, we can be doing WAY better. But, instead, we air condition the street with open doors retail outlets, we dump and burn shit everywhere, we still have ZERO references on these threads for taiwans long term nuclear waste plans, and we argue about harnessing light, gravity, heat and wind as if it is a bad thing.

Clearly, we as a species are “not there yet”. we prove this to ourselves on the daily.

at the very minimum, we can all reduce and reuse. nevermind the rest. if we cant figure that basic step out, forget about it…

A post was split to a new topic: Quote of other poster makes a suggestion which is illegal

Right, economics are not zero sum, but the way the elites of the Western world acts, everything is zero sum, at least when it comes to resources. So perhaps they want less developed countries to not develop so they do not compete with them for finite zero sum resources.

If we have widespread nuclear power then energy is positive sum. In fact one reason they are developing micro reactors is so that less developed countries/cities can have unlimited power without needing huge infrastructure.

You can bet the western elites will fight tooth and nail against this.

I think you can flag any posts that advocate illegal activity

Hasn’t it occurred to you: maybe it’s our love of private property that’s causing serious environmental problems? Merrily destroying the whole Earth with our need to consume too much is just fine, yet trying to fight against it is just too much?

The point I am trying to make is about the complacency of our society – we fail to see what we are really doing… And we do more of the same – not enough.

Let’s hope they can build some of those solar boilers in Texas, too. They’re going to need them…

Tell that to Jordan Peterson. Beef all day for him. Cured his ailments.

You sound like a WEF/Build Back Better/Green New Deal/Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution disciple.
The elites get to live as they please and the useless eaters don’t.

Is it possible, I wonder, that people under 30 don’t have the life experience necessary to spot when they’re being taken for a ride?

I’m one of the biggest tree-huggers on forumosa, but the ‘climate change’ thing is far more complex than the politicians are making out (or are capable of understanding), and what they’re doing now is quite obviously nothing whatsoever to do with fixing the actual problems that exist - this is particularly evident in places like Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands, where they seem to be heading rapidly for peak clownworld.

It looks to me as if they’re attempting to manufacture a crisis where, in fact, no crisis had to occur. As someone said back there, not dissimilar to the COVID nonsense.

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This is really going to be good.

Recall people in China refusing to pay for the things they didn’t need - they stopped paying for “investment” property - apartments the builders were dragging their feet constructing? Recall the drag it created and so the gov stepped up and offered loans to bailout these projects?

So now in Europe et al they have this expensive energy that is causing small shops and huge metals producers to shut and of course many of these companies have mortgages, loans, and bonds to care for. We have yet to see ugly.

Protests will spread.

All of the just in time, just in time will quickly unravel in many industries.

Really so amazing to witness all of this and see how purely stupid so many governments around the globe really are. Putin has made fools of so many. The green energy leaders have made fools of so many.

Such amazing times

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I’ll add that this is a perfect time for war. NATO has nothing to fuel offensive or defensive measures. They have no capacity to build war supplies while China and Russia have plenty.

Indeed. Everything is connected to everything else. Two possible explanations spring to mind:

  1. The politicians don’t have the faintest clue how stuff works, and they’re just blundering along with their ideological nonsense because they have no clue what’s about to happen.
  2. They know perfectly well how stuff works, and causing a cascading collapse of the economy will achieve their goal: zero carbon, everyone eating bugs, and (in their imagination) a totalitarian paradise for the 0.01%.

I think there’s a big dose of cluelessness in the mix somewhere, because totalitarian paradises have historically relied on importing luxury goods (well, all goods) from functioning countries in order to keep the rulers in the style to which they’ve become accustomed. That’s not going to pan out well if half the planet is collapsing.

It’s pretty bad. California outlawing gas powered auto sales and the next day asking people to avoid charging their cars. The governor of that state is angling to become the next president.

It can’t be overlooked how many tax dollars is going to these green promoting organizations. It’s all highly politicized and in one direction. Counter arguments never get heard because of the hundreds of millions of tax dollars - all of which is created dollars to be paid for by future generations. The majority of these dollars is spent on propaganda. Few of the allocations are spent for anything productive. There are a ton of grifters.

Merkel really set most of this up for Europe. Her influence on the EU’s direction created this energy bottleneck.

People much better informed than I am have written that there isn’t enough of what Europe needs for energy at any price that will replace what Russia provided.

The US, instead of exploiting their own resources begs the world for the same but only for the purpose of elections.

Really sad to see ordinary people lose everything, and so abruptly, because of these things that not long ago were never a serious concern.

I don’t understand anyone who takes any joy at what is going on. I can assure you that the same people who cheered for and brought about the hard times we are about to witness will soon endure the pains they never imagined would accompany this.


What about those of us that take joy in doing things sustainably, clean and “green” (or at least working that direction) but dont take joy in what is going on?

I see very little “green” things happening. It is actually a bit annoying that people keep saying it is a scam or whatever when being green isnt at all the scam. the scammers are the scam.

Environmental appropriation

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To be fair, I think most people are now starting to understand this distinction.

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I sure hope so. Maybe people can soon stop using words like environmental, sustainable, clean etc as if they are curse words. It was(is) so alarming to see some people have gone so far down the idiocracy rabbit hole.

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IMO this was a deliberate policy goal. Much of the current clownshow involved redefining words, Nineteen-Eighty-Four style, to mean something completely different to their original meanings.

In this case they’ve more-or-less successfully redefined actual environmentalists as the enemy, and put forward a bunch of frauds as the saviours of humanity. I really do think, though, that they’re pushing their luck here. A large number of people seem far less willing to accept this particular deception.