24 Hour Japanese Porn Channel

Dude, get a life. We all watch what we want to and we all have our different tastes. And I also am not the greatest fan of North American porn - not all of us hail from the US, remember? My tastes are more eurocentric, thank you very much.

If you like Asian porn, that’s YOUR jol - personally I don’t like the REALLY demeaning way women get portrayed in before-mentioned - but that’s just my opinion.

And YES I was jesting.

And remember, this is the Internet. I can voice my opinion, like you can voice yours, no problem there. Don’t take stuff so seriously.

GAWD I’m actually laughing here :sunglasses:

Oh and by the way, don’t call me dude again, please, dude, if you want you can call me dudette. :smiley: