3 Trivial Questions

  1. How do you embed a link inside a word, instead of typing out the whole link?

  2. When I first type something out on MSWord and then paste it to a Forumosa post, the font gets slightly messed up. How can I avoid that?

  3. Does anyone know how to get rid of aquarium snails, other than just picking them out one by one? Those little buggers are taking over!

I’ve tried “black jewel water”, but that just killed off my shrimp. I bought a little fish called a Wawa Yu which was supposed to eat snails but instead it just munched on my other fish’s tails. CAN ANYTHING STOP THE BASTARDS?!?

Remove the fish and change all the water and wash the tank down, including all the gravel and pay attention to gently washing the plants, if you have any. This should allow you to imbed the link in a word.

  1. How do you embed a link inside a word, instead of typing out the whole link?


You can’t really avoid it. But FWIW, here’s how I strip Word formatting before posting on the forums (uh, not that I do this often, but it oughta work):

(assuming you are using some version of MS Windows)

  1. Open a simple text editor, like notepad or TextPad
  2. Open your document in Word
  3. Select whatever you want to in Word and copy to the Windows Clipboard (CTRL-C)
  4. Flip over to the simple text editor (ALT-TAB)
  5. Paste (CTRL-V)
  6. Re-align what you need to (especially if you had tables in Word)
  7. Select everything (CTRL-A usually) and copy back to the Clipboard (CTRL-c)
  8. Flip over to Forumosa.com (I hope you have the posting page ready and waiting for you)
  9. Paste (CTRL-V)