4G unlimited data plan with no local guarantor?

Dear friends, please share TSTAR or Asia Pacific Telecom office location where they DO NOT require local guarantor. This is just ridiculous and senseless to ask for guarantor for no-cellphone no-discount no - penalty deal! I mean 288nt/month 4G 21mbp offer from APTG. Many thanks in advance!
P.s. location Taipei.

Im with APTG
They would not budge on the guarantor requirement so I filed a formal complaint against them with Taiwan’s telecommunication regulator. Only then they offered me to make a deposit of ,$2400 which I initially refused but then accepted since I am only paying $249 a month.

I probably should have pursued it right to the end.
But the price was too good

Other companies folded when I threatened to call the regulator. Aptg told me to go ahead and call them if I wanted, they didn’t care

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