. . . Comedy HYPNOSIS Show . . .
. . . . . . R-Rated Performance . . .
. . . . . . . . . at Spring Scream . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Brian David Phillips
We will performing at Spring Scream in Kenting on April 5, 2007, at 11pm on the Disco Stage for an R-Rated Performance of the Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams Comedy Hypnosis Show.
The schedule and venue info for all of my upcoming hypnosis events is in English and Chinese on my webpages at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com . . . this is a special event performances of the R-Rated Comedy Hypnosis Show on 5 April 2007 at Spring Scream http://www.springscream.com . . .
See full-sized poster at http://public.fotki.com/briandavidphillips/hypnosis/posters/flyer01finalfront.html. See videos and more at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com!
Welcome to the special R-RATED presentation of the BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS WAKING DREAMS COMEDY HYPNOSIS SHOW! On April 5, 2007. Join master hypnotist BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS for a special evening of laughs, comedy, mental magick, and hypnotic hijinks, audience participation, and non-stop hypnotic comedy laughter!
Taiwan’s only ongoing comedy hypnosis performer, BRIAN DAVID PHILLIPS (http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com) has extensive experience in hypnosis and entertainment. In addition to being a dynamic communication and influence presenter as well as an extremely engaging speaker and focused trance/hypnosis trainer, he is a wonderfully entertaining stage hypnotist. His background with undergraduate and graduate degrees in communication and theatre and a natural sense of humor and comic timing serve him well as he presents an extremely entertaining program of hypnotic effects that is both fascinating and hilarious.
The show begins at 11:00pm at DISCO STAGE at SPRING SCREAM. The show will be more appropriate to adults with some racy humor, albeit it is R-Rated, not X. The full info is on the webpage. Please pass it on to folks who you think might enjoy an evening of comedy audience participation.
Tell ALL your friends, family, and people you don’t even know! Don’t miss out on your chance to see the ONLY live genuine hypnotic comedy on stage in Taipei!
Spring Scream (http://www.springscream.com) takes place in Kenting . . . and we are just one of many acts that will be performing at the festival, mostly bands with a LOT of music, non-stop.
This is the only of the Comedy Hypnosis Show in Taiwan, a full-featured entertainment comedy hypnosis show so get there early and be sure to tell your friends. This special performance program is appropriate for adults.
For this bilingual performance (English with Chinese interpretation) of the Waking Dreams Comedy Hypnosis Show, interpretation and stage management is being provided by Lorraine Phillips (http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=lorrainelaw).
We’re looking forward to having a whole lot of hypnotic fun so come to Spring Scream on Thursday, April 5, 11pm, for the Waking Dreams Comedy Hypnosis Show with Brian David Phillips . . . genuine comedy hypnosis in Kenting . . . do stay for the entire festival as well . . . see “Hypnosis Show” on the webpages at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details and more information on this and other show performances (English and Chinese information available).
See full-sized flyer at http://public.fotki.com/briandavidphillips/hypnosis/posters/briandavidphillipsb-2.html. See videos and more at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com!
Tell your friends and pass this message on to anyone and everyone interested in quality comedy hypnosis entertainment. I appreciate your support.
This is a special performance of the R-Rated show.
Thank you!
We will see you then!
We may even have another performance later in the festival, either more of the adult stuff or perhaps a general audience G-rated show. You can check the schedule at http://www.springscream.com for schedule updates.
In addition to the show, we will have CDs on hand and I will be doing one-on-one hypnosis sessions by appointment and we may even put together a group session or two, depending upon how many folks contact Lorraine to reserve a spot (her contact information is on the webpage).
We’re looking forward to the festival . . . looks like it’s going to be a blast.
Don’t forget to come to our Friday the Thirteenth show at The Living Room in Taipei on 13 April 2007, appropriate for all ages. We will also be presenting more workshops in the future as well as more of our exciting Comedy HYPNOSIS Shows in Taipei and elsewhere. See http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details as well as online videos, free mp3s, audio CD products, resources, and much, much, more.
All the best,