55 pax Orgy at Sea, 120 drug arrests in Kenting last weekend

Orgy-on-Sea sounds a bit like a cute little english seaside village. it’s down south, just near Upper Coks and Pratt’s Bottom.

I can’t wait for future article headlines with underwhelming news coverage:

“According to police, the banquet may have involved the serving of food.”

“The concert is rumored to have involved the playing of music.”

“According to one official, the chocolate Easter rabbits could be considered sweet to a person with a conventional palate.”

Nah, t sounds more French; Orgy-sur-la-Mer.

Nah, t sounds more French; Orgy-sur-la-Mer.[/quote]

Or possibly German: Orgy-dans-le-Merde.

been enjoying the cheap beer, LL? merde is french for eau-de-cologne. which is german for KolnischWasser. whatever.

A few days ago I rode the London Tube for the first time and was startled that an announcement kept referring to Cock Fuckers. Turns out it was Cockfosters, the final destination.

A few days ago I rode the London Tube for the first time and was startled that an announcement kept referring to Cock Fuckers. Turns out it was Cockfosters, the final destination.[/quote]

And you found that out when? When you arrived? Were you disappointed? :wink:

A few days ago I rode the London Tube for the first time and was startled that an announcement kept referring to Cock Fuckers. Turns out it was Cockfosters, the final destination.[/quote]

No, they just spell it that way. Your pronunciation is correct.

No, it only smells like it is. You weren’t giving French lessons in the Maze prison in 1981 by any chance? If so I know some browned-off young men who would like a word with you about their new scratch’n’sniff wallpaper.

in 1981 i was not yet a french teacher, just a knob polisher. had no idea there were so many doors in the Maze, i was kept rather busy. didn’t have time to admire the wallpaper.

why does that picture remind me of a monty python skit? or maybe the Life of Brian? that must have been a smelly protest. maybe it improved the insulation of the room in winter.

looks like it was decorated by a mad woman. you know, as in “all over the place, like a mad woman’s shit.”