$70,000 USD a Year. Where can you live comfortably in Western Europe?

I saw Bulgaria has a few famous digital nomad spots. Looked really beautiful.


I forgot that one, too. Maybe ex-Austro-Hapsburg empire countries.

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If I was to retire maybe south/southwestern France? If it’s about working then I wouldn’t be caught dead in France.

No I include Italy.

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I may eventually, but I’d like to try Western Europe first.

Just 1 mouth.

What city in Germany can I live good off 70K?

Everywhere. 'Live well ’

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It’s really cheap as far as European city goes.

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Thanks. This is more expensive than Helsinki. I’ll try Hamburg.

If you’re interested in sailing there’s a new three year cruise to seven continents and 135 countries with 375 ports of call…lifeatseacruises.com

Only USD33,000/person/year = less than 100,000!

November 1 setting sail at Istanbul!

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When whole Europe is in play, than Montenegro. A lot of non expensive good alcohol and tall a bit darker girls. It’s a heart of Balkan, you will not get action when being shy, so it’s perfect opportunity to work on your character.


Then you are probably fine anywhere

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Corrupt as hell, wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of anyone important there.

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This place looks good. Intl community
Could live like a king on 70k

Yes it’s not Western Europe.

Yeah! Why limit yourself to Western Europe (IMHO the most boring part of the world) when with this kind of money you can get far better standard of living in practically any Eastern European country that is part of EU :smiley:


You mean, become a drug dealer? :smiley:


Portugal :portugal:

Out of all the countries in Western Europe, it’s the most affordable one I’ve been to. Nice food and weather as well.


when did you go? Supposedly costs have skyrocketed in the past few years.

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The more important question is how you get to stay in Europe indefinitely as a non-EU citizen? I know Portugal has a D7 visa that’s pretty easy to get. What else?

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