72 year old McCain is too old for this demanding job

He doesn’t even remember he had sex recently? I guess that’s a big event for him … :smiley:



He should have just went ape-shit like Bush and Cheney and start bombing the fuck out of anyone with Hussein in their name. Clinton said that by the time they had good intel on bin Laden that it was too late and Bush was president. The Bush who didn’t do squat but clear brush at his ranch.

“Not knowing what to do – with no one telling him what to do – and no Secret Service rushing in to take him to safety, Mr. Bush just sat there and continued to read ‘My Pet Goat’ to the children.” – Michael Moore

Clinton interview with Chris Wallace

Pssst. Do something.
McCain’s Medical Records
The left now have Greenwald to help with the attacks. If the Democrats haven’t learned anything in the last 8 years, it’s that you can’t be nice. You’ve got to smack these fuckheads where it hurts because they’ll do all that and more to you.

Another flip-flop from the Maverick.

[quote=“ABC”][quote=“Toe Tag”]
I’m very comfortable with Obama’s experience just by watching him campaign. He’s a class act, none of the desperate lying and mudslinging that seems to comprise the bulk of McSame’s experience. And, now that whatever they put in the water coolers at the RNC is wearing off, Obama will just flat out-campaign the tired old relic.[/quote]

Yeah, okay. So Obama is a good orator and presents himself well on TV, don’t confuse that with experience. Like CSB, he may be a lot better at campaigning than running a country. So what if Obama gives good speeches? A number of unsavory figures in history(ohhhhh… like Hitler and Mussolini, are good orator too.) The whole thing about McCaine being too old can also be said of Obama’s lack of experience. He’s only a junior senator with scant experience. Would a fortune 500 company appoint someone only 3 years removed from college their CEO? I think not.[/quote]

Someone had to invoke Godwin’s law.

Not sure where you get the 3 years removed from college data but the facts don’t back up your assertions.

Columbia University
B.A. Political Science with specialization in international relations
Thesis topic: Soviet nuclear disarmament

Harvard Law School
J.D. magna cum laude 1988-1991

1993-2004 Visiting Law and Government Fellow, then Senior Lecturer, in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School.

1993-2002 Worked as an associate attorney with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland.

Illinois Senate 1996-2004

United States Senate 2004-present

To see his legislative efforts, search the 109th Congress at http://thomas.loc.gov/bss/d109query.html and 110th Congress at http://thomas.loc.gov/bss/d110query.html

Not sure where you get the 3 years removed from college data but the facts don’t back up your assertions. [/quote]

It was in response to the opening post where the author asked “Did you ever see a fortune 500 company appoint a 72 year old CEO and try to sell him to their shareholders because he’s so experienced?” (on that note, I’m sure there are old dudes running big companies, so yes)

You should read the whole thread before responding.

In any case, the point was that Obama was relatively inexperienced, your facts didn’t back up anything.

Not sure where you get the 3 years removed from college data but the facts don’t back up your assertions. [/quote]

It was in response to the opening post where the author asked “Did you ever see a fortune 500 company appoint a 72 year old CEO and try to sell him to their shareholders because he’s so experienced?” (on that note, I’m sure there are old dudes running big companies, so yes)

You should read the whole thread before responding.

In any case, the point was that Obama was relatively inexperienced, your facts didn’t back up anything.[/quote]

The point was - he has experience. 25 years is hardly scant.

25 years of experience? What?

McCain can’t even keep straight who we’re fighting in Iraq or in the global war on terror – 5-1/2 years in on the Iraq war and he still doesn’t know the difference between Sunnis and Shi’ites, and its a mistake he made repeatedly. If somebody sets off a firecracker over July 4th, I’m worried he’ll decide it’s a basis for invading Antarctica. Electing Grandpa Simpson to the presidency just doesn’t seem like a good idea. While people used to complain about the sheer massive number of days George W. Bush spent on vacation, with McCain, we’ll have to watch out for the length of his nap times. And who is going to pay for all the adult diapers? Taxpayers?

So, while there are some old people in charge of companies, they’re usually been in those positions for a long time … often since they were young. If they’ve got ingrained habits of success, then that’s great, but not all fossils can run a modern company as conditions change. Not so many shareholders looking to get very old, senile codgers in charge of their Fortune 500 companies.

And what’s McCain’s track record? He started into this election looking pretty good … but with Sarah Palin and his flat-out lies about her stances on the Bridge to Nowhere, I feel like he’s getting off on the wrong foot with us. We already saw what a sneaky little shit he was when he came back from being a POW and found out that his wife had been horrible crippled, at which point he and his enormous chipmunk cheeks started chasing a much younger and richer woman. Notwithstanding the horrible cheeks, McCain was looking pretty good until he hitched his wagon to the Porkbarrell Princess.

Somewhere at the edge of my mind, I have the idea that the Republicans got McCain so upset in 2000 with the smears that now he is running just to screw up the party and get back at them. It’s hard to believe he picked Palin because he was trying to win. (But he is ahead.) I guess we have 50 days left to see if they can keep it up.

Wow! Just like John Kerry and John Edwards… except you haven’t criticized them as “sneaky little shits”, have you?


Wow! Just like John Kerry and John Edwards… except you haven’t criticized them as “sneaky little shits”, have you?


I’ll do that, and I’ll add Bill Clinton too. They’re all a bunch of sneaky little shits.

Wow! Just like John Kerry and John Edwards… except you haven’t criticized them as “sneaky little shits”, have you?


First off, I must heartily congratulate your tacit acknowledgement that McCain is a sneaky little shit. There he was, in his little captain uniform, chasing the young little beer heiress about at receptions, pawing away at her … all the while he was actually living in the same house with the wife who loved him. Sure, when he got back from Vietnam, she was a couple inches shorter from a very severe crippling car wreck… but then of course McCain came back with injuries of his own.

Kerry’s first wife had severe depression and asked him for a divorce. She remarried later on and supported Kerry in his 2004 run. How on earth is McCain’s ditching of his first wife to have an affair with a young beer princess similar to Kerry’s in any way? If Kerry’s spouse suffers from mental illness and wants to leave Kerry, then it’s gotta be Kerry’s fault?

John Edwards was being a sneaky little shit. As far as I can tell, he’s still married to her and despite the obvious problem of the affair it does not appear that this was an attempt by Edwards to “upgrade” to a younger, prettier, richer wife. He f*cked another person for a while.

A better comparison would be serial sex-machine Newt Gingrich, who runs through wives faster than a hot knife through butter. That time he ditched a wife who was dying of cancer, demanding she sign divorce papers from her hospital deathbed? Oh, McCain is an amateur compared to dickish Republican moves like that.

As long as the Republicans can keep attention away from the issues they improve their chances. You want to talk about the economy or what Lindsey Lohan said? Easy call.

John Kerry is a true war hero too, but I don’t recall you defending him in these forums. From USATODAY

[quote]Navy says Kerry’s service awards were properly approved
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Navy’s chief investigator concluded Friday that procedures were followed properly in the approval of Sen. John Kerry’s Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals, according to an internal Navy memo.[/quote]

If you disagree that Kerry was a war hero, what information do you have that the Navy’s chief investigator doesn’t?

I don’t think Kerry is a war hero. As soon as he had his three wounds, which were apparently mere scratches but which according to the rules of the time nonetheless allowed him to exit the war, he bolted. He prepared the record that described the circumstances in which he was wounded and the nature of his wounds. That is no longer permitted, afaik.

In contrast, McCain was first eligible to exit the war after suffering injuries on a carrier but instead he requested re-posting on a different carrier that was short of pilots. Then, after being captured and tortured, his North Vietnamese captors gave him an opportunity to leave the Hanoi Hilton early, but he refused to leave as there were POWs there who had been captured before him.

That’s my understanding of both mens’ stories. If these stories are true, and I’ve no reason to doubt the veracity of either, then IMO, McCain is indeed a war hero and Kerry is not. Was Kerry brave to volunteer for duty? Of course. But, he bolted when he had the chance… not saying that I wouldn’t have left first opportunity, either… that’s what most men would have done. That’s why Kerry is not a hero, IMO. Because McCain decided to stay… refused to leave, when given the opportunity, in what were arguably more miserable conditions, McCain did what few would choose to do. That’s what makes McCain a hero, IMO, again.

Because I don’t think of Kerry as a war hero, I have never defended him against arguments that he is not a war hero.

Showing your bias there, Tigerman. Nothing more.


I’ve never denied my bias. We are all biased. And I think everyone here is demonstrating his/her bias. But, I just posted a reason in support of my opinion… that’s a stab at objectivity, despite admitted bias.

Can you tell me why my opinion is flawed, if my understanding of the events and circumstances is correct?

There is no dishonor in not being a hero. There’s no disgrace in not being a hero. But, heros are far and few between. What did Kerry do to deserve the title of “hero”?

And if Kerry is a hero in your mind, then what is McCain?

Well, first up I would ask why you completely disregard your own country’s measure of heroism in rebuking the Silver Star and Bronze Star he was awarded while wearing your country’s uniform. He may not be a hero to you, but your country certainly deemed him worthy of these awards . . . for heroism.

Kerry’s treatment was a national disgrace. Nothing more. I’m quite surprised you’d condone it, as it would appear by your comments that you indeed do.

I know very little about why Kerry bailed after the three Purple Hearts, but what if he thought the war was morally wrong? That would suggest an altogether different level of personal heroism.


Wrong thread. sorry.