A favour I could ask a 28 year old Taiwanese girl for

To be fair, the complain was about the overcharged the landlord was taking from foreigners and about the legality of renting a social hosting.

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Yeah but he was talking about calling the police and the media and making a huge brouhaha. Who the hell does that on arriving in a new country? It’d be like reporting a cow in India for blocking the road. :rofl:

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Just use the valuable skills you’ve learned at your Toastmasters club to ask her out. That’s why you’re going to Toastmasters, right? Supposed to promote communication? Put it to work!

Toastmasters is an educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication and public speaking skills.

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How direct, like “Fancy a shag I’m horny”?

Well, I think that works for some people and situations. Like if you just want to bang and the other person also just wants to bang and nothing else matters to either of you.

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Sex and taxes, sex and taxes.

At least both parties are aware of what the deal is.

“Bang” that’s right British English that is.
Glad someone apart from Brian has a sense of humor on here.

Is it? Americans use it sometimes, too.

“Shag,” now that is British.

I think the opening poster deserves some reward, come on he was even prepared to climb a mountain for this lady.
Ain’t no mountain high enough !


I actually had that line once, or words to that effect. IIRC the word ‘shag’ was used. I said yes. See? It works.

Experimentally, it works less well on women though. Believe it or not, it’s been tested and documented. Something like 40% of men say no, while 97% of women say no. I guess that still leaves 3% who don’t. I assume the numbers depend to some extent on the attractiveness of the experimenter and the precise phrasing of the approach.




Yeah and whatever the culture most women wish to go through some pretense of courtship even as simple as in a night club "Can I get you a drink (optional ending phrase of darling, sweet heart, …)

Well … it’s not exactly a pretense. They need to make sure you’re not a psychopath and that it’s going to be a pleasant experience. I mean, in that particular case, I had actually been talking to her all evening. She didn’t just single me out as the most shaggable bloke in the room (or the most desperate).

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Was I the only other guy in the room?:grinning:

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This was a while back, but I don’t recall thinking she might be “the one”. OTOH I wouldn’t have discounted it. She didn’t return my call the next day though, so clearly she wasn’t interested. I assume I didn’t put in a very memorable performance.

There are definitely ways to be that direct and for it to work. If you’re funny, you can def. sneak in a “i’m trying to bed you later” or something like that with a big smirk after you built some chemistry. And you can hint it like inviting a girl over to pet your dogs or something like that. Girls are not stupid to what men want from them, and they’re usually better at understanding hints and social cues. As long as you can make her feel less like a “slut” with what you say like it’s just her coming over to do something, you have a good chance. Far better than being timid.

You just need to be willing to take chances and face rejection here and there. A lot of men struggle with this, especially early on. I did when I was younger until I just realized I should just go for it. Once you see this, you realized a million chances you missed because you didn’t have the balls to just take a chance. Very eye opening.

You have a 0% chance if it working walking straight up to a stranger like that saying it.

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The direct approach is usually the best approach, I reckon, but only with someone who is comfortable in your company, and only when it’s clear where things are going. And as you said, it needs to be … what’s the word? Gentlemanly?

I suppose the key is to be honest rather than direct. Men who are weaselly and can’t express what they think or want are usually a huge turn-off for women.

I would never dream of being “direct” with a complete stranger. That would be weird and creepy on so many different levels.

Apparently it really is 3%. Or at least it was for that particular experimenter. I guess if he’d looked like yer typical 30-something PhD student with a paunch and thinning hair, it’d be closer to 0%. I would be a little curious to know exactly what his line was (but not curious enough to make the effort to find the original paper).

Same here. I was a bit slow on the uptake, but I figured it out eventually. And you really do give yourself a bit of a “what were you thinking?” lecture at that point.

Have you ever watched “Gran Torino”? There’s a funny scene on that theme.

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So proud of us for posting 138 replies to a single post by a poster who has never returned to the thread. It shows we really go the extra mile here at Forumosa. :notworthy:

Either that or we really need to get a life. :rofl: