A long-term perspective on the Taiwanese economy

Should be appended as default to our posts.


Hint: much of the developed world has seen stagnant wages over the past decade (or longer).

In Taiwan, real wages (read: wages adjusted for inflation) have grown at around 2% annually for the past 10 years. That’s hardly something to celebrate, especially when you consider how much the cost of housing has increased.

The big problem for Taiwan is that the salary base was already low compared to other countries. In other words, Taiwan is playing catch-up and the growth hasn’t been sufficient to close the competitiveness gap.

Throw in a shitty work culture, geopolitical risks, etc., and it’s not difficult to figure out why the bulk of the foreigners coming to Taiwan to work are migrant workers from countries like Indonesia and Philippines, not highly-skilled East Asians and Western professionals, and why so many Taiwanese want to work abroad.


You seem unable to make projections aside from generalizing based on the past ten years to save your life, because work culture, etc.

Agreed, I know exactly zero ABCs, Taiwanese American friends, family, friends of family, friends of friends, newly arrivals in past 20 yrs to US that consider moving back to Taiwan. Sure they come back for a visit. But the economy isn’t going to entice anyone back and there are so many more opportunities for them in US. The only ones that moved back were for family obligations. They like Taiwan its just economically there aren’t so many opportunities here.


Your problem is that you are seemingly incapable of accepting that someone might be predicting a future that’s different than the one you predict.

Exactly right. As you mention the best, meaning a smaller percentage. Lots of phd folk around that love showing it off without meaningful research.

@MikeN1 neither. Just openly ignorant and moving and shaking to get things done. But it is woryh observing and taking notes on people therough the years. Nice burn though :slight_smile:

@urodacus youre not a douche because youre just not a douche. I think everyone knows that group of higher than thou that have little experience and yet always force their.underlings to comply. Its not just teachers and academics to be fair. Parents, grandparents, bosses, government officials, police etc all have higher tendancies in acertain direction. Probably everyone knows the vibe.


I occasionally comment on things that I am knowledgeable about, just so rarely have the opportunity!

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I think it’s much bigger than economics although part of it for sure .
After all Taiwan isn’t a poor country and it’s very comfortable to live in especially for those people who are already loaded.


Many countries are very comfortable to live in if you have money.

The thing is that once you’ve had a taste of life in different places, your perspective changes. There are many things I like about Taiwan, but there are also things that explain why people who have opportunities elsewhere might choose to live elsewhere. The quality of the “luxury” housing here sucks, good international cuisine is limited, nightlife is lackluster, it’s highly polluted, etc.

Living in the US gives you a better work life balance, schooling and opportunity to live in an actual house. Just a better quality of life for most Taiwanese.

Nobody wants to stay in China forever, but for career development it’s the place


Controversial opinion :slight_smile: I think many Taiwanese don’t love their homeland and not willing to fight for it. :sunglasses: They are happy to run off to Canada and America and call themselves instant Americans or Canadians , we’ve all met those types. I’ve ever had half hours conversations with random who people born in Taiwan about me living in Taiwan before some of them told me they were actually born in Taiwan :neutral_face:. I’ve even worked with Taiwanese who were born and raised in Taiwan with dual passports and they pretended they knew almost nothing about Taiwan. Very weird !

Taiwanese sometimes do this in China too, but I think less so in China these days as Chinese start to be belligerent to Taiwanese people.


A lot of blue families have decades of saying that this is a shitty temporary place and everything here is shitty. Many of those families went to the States. Kmt controlled the media for decades and pushed the message that Taiwan was a redneck shitty place . Natural that moving abroad was the dream

Now Taiwanese are travelling and comparing, people are starting to agree that all in all Taiwan is pretty good


I was about to say, he forgot to make that distinction.

Some of the washens here in the states call China their home country. I have a buddy who’s in China right now pursuing a film career. His father was born in Taiwan and is went to Taida and is now a professor in the states.

There are also rabidly pro-Taiwan families in the states who send their kids to Taiwanese camp and try to shift U.S. policy in a pro-Taiwan direction.

However, when asked, 95% of even the washens will say they’re from Taiwan.


yeah, but the idea that Taiwan is crappy and also finished, still prevails. Thats another reason why KMT will never win an election again, their narrative(or their followers) is so depressing and pessimistic.


Prevails among whom? I don’t think anybody can hold that picture anymore.

The KMT folks I know go to both Taiwan and China.

They even wax nostalgic about being in and out emergency rooms in half an hour, and no gun violence.

In Taiwan, its everywhere.

I think actions speak louder than words. As Gain noted, 4x more Koreans want to emigrate to the US than in Taiwan. They’re not even eligible for the green card lottery; they have to serve in the military. Not to mention the astronomically higher suicide rates in Korea.

You can’t emigrate to the US and get a green card as easily from most places as you can from Taiwan.

For instance, Koreans aren’t even eligible for the Green Card lottery.

Its not just about identity, or being Chinese or Taiwanese, more that Taiwan is shit and Taiwan has no future and everything is a mess. Han ran an election on that. If you look at blue media like UDN, this is the prevailing narrative.

OK yeah, but Han lost, so what does it say about this narrative?