A piece of snot hugging Chinese balls?

Maybe we could call those 26 other nations less significant than snot and LP also? We pay them so we should have the right to abuse them as well. Let’s burn those 26 other nations flags while were at it and have a BBQ.

Yes, some of them are about the size of a cockroach crap. (No offence, this remark is perfectly acceptable in Taiwanese.)

I wonder what Lonely Planet thinks about all this.

LP is bound to be a popular name for new tea shops, pubs and betel nut stands, just like SPP and LKK a few years ago. If you see one, take a picture and post it here.

Ari Fleischer has stated that Washingtons version of the"one-China" policy is not the same as Beijings.

Ari Fleischer did not say the Bush adminstration supported Taidu version of “One China” either.

Ari Fleischer isn’t even Bush’s press secretary anymore.

For the reaction in Singapore:


:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

That sequence of pictures is amusing, but disgusting.

Ari Fleischer did not say the Bush adminstration supported Taidu version of “One China” either.

I didnt know ROT side had a "one-China" policy other than recognizing the obvious fact that the PRC is the legitimate govt of China. You stated that the USA supports the PRC version of “one-China” which of course isn`t true.

That hardly means that Washingtons version of "one-China" is now the same as Beijings.

[quote=“Taichungmafia”]Ari Fleischer did not say the Bush adminstration supported Taidu version of “One China” either.

I didnt know ROT side had a "one-China" policy other than recognizing the obvious fact that the PRC is the legitimate govt of China. You stated that the USA supports the PRC version of “one-China” which of course isn`t true.[/quote]

I didn’t know there was an ROT?!?
Actually LTH mentioned that ROC doesn’t challenge CCP control of the mainland. But I don’t think it is an official doctrine or law in ROC yet.

I believe on gray scale of USA support of “One China” it is closer to PRC than ROC at this time.

You maybe a bit optimistic there AC_Dropout. The U.S. is simply unreliable.

There isn`t of course. I was speaking of people who support proclaiming a ROT.

It should be.

That`s your opinion and your entitled to it. I personally feel that Washington believes that both sides version of “one-China” lacks any legal basis.

I beleive Washington is acting in USA best interest of being able to access PRC market and labor force, while also continuing their containment policy of PRC. ROC of course is a mere pawn in the game.

I totally agree that Washingtons foreign policy is based on its own selfish interests. I also agree that Beijing and Washington are competing for influence and Washington probably feels containment of Beijing is the best way to achieve its goals. I dont believe Beijing or Washington give a damn about Taiwan and that Washington uses Taipei as a pawn. The main disagreement I have with you on this issue is over who currently holds the sovereignty of Taiwan.

Well via proxy the USA has more influence over Taiwan right now. The ROC has soveriegnty over Taiwan right now. My issue is whether the political process working for the best interest of Taiwan.

pan-Green talks about doing things in the best interest of Taiwan. But the action are met by resistance by both USA and PRC. Everytime the pan-Green leadership talks the Taiwan stock market goes down. No one with money or influence has confidence in the pan-Green leadership.

Unless pan-Green are working in the interest of people that short stocks, like CSB wife, I haven’t observed any positive results in the past 4 years on any real issues on Taiwan.

I can think of at least one: it has redoubled your obsession with LTH, with results that have provided much fodder for humor here at Forumosa.

[quote=“ac_dropout”]That sequence of pictures is amusing, but disgusting.[/quote] The article is funny. I’d like to learn more about Singapore and Taiwan people’s attitudes toward each other.

No, it only has effective territorial control. Its been proven many times on this forum that the ROC is a government-in-exile that has effective territorial control over an area for which it doesnt hold(nor has it ever) sovereignty.

Of course, forumosa has true soveriegnty over Taiwan.