A really good kite

Not those sold in the parks etc… I was wodering if anyone knew of a shop that would sell those two handed kites that you see sometimes.

I saw some really cool kites at Xizhi Costco yesterday, but my sensible wife wouldn’t let me buy one. :raspberry:

I saw some really cool kites at Xizhi Costco yesterday, but my sensible wife wouldn’t let me buy one. :raspberry:[/quote]
How could she? after how you took care of her recently…I’m gonna call her. :wink:

I bought a 3-D clown fish kite at Costco a few weeks ago. Brought it to the park and as it fell to the ground some little kid thought it would be fun to tackle it and busted up the sticks. Can replacements be found? Or is there something simple I can use to replace them. I can’t really think of anything.

No bamboo in Taiwan?

The bones of small obnoxious children are kind of light … :wink:

I also want to buy a normal stunt kite. Saw some at the kite festival in Baishawan last year. Got the name and address of one kite shop in the greater Taipei area. If I remember, I’ll dig it out and post the address here.

EDIT: Called them. Turns out they are out of business now. Sorry. Would still like to know of any other dealers if anyone comes across one.

Lots of it. It would be a whole lot more time efficient, however, if someone were to hand you a pre-made stick that fit precisely into the slot.

Want everthing easy and prepackaged, huh?? :slight_smile: