A small victory

Out of touch… yeah, maybe. Maybe I should be more often in a car with locals…

I have always been under the impression that the Taiwanese curse less than, let’s say Germans, while driving, thinking that they are more fatalistic in nature.

But, cursing inside a car is one thing, confronting a taxi driver like DM did? Naaaah, Taiwanese wouldn’t do it… not that there is anything wrong with it…

“Taiwanese are only brave when it’s safe”, my Taiwanese wife would say.

i think what dangermouse did was exactly right, and i refuse to move out the way for anyone honking the horn at me. I have been chased down by many a car, including one taxi which skidded in front of me to block my way, I took off my helmet and said, " so what happens now" He drove off.

I swear a lot while riding and driving, i’m just a swearer.

I also agree however it can be dangerous to get involved in an arguement with a taxi driver. I’ve seen many a fight break out over this.

I don’t know the % but there are some nice cab drivers here.
To give you an example.
My mother was here last week and we got a taxi into town, when the taxi driver dropped us off, i realized i had no money, and i mean not one $, so i said to the driver to drive up a bit and i can find a bank machine to pay him. He refused and said " sometimes these things happen, you are a customer, it’s ok, don’t worry." I insisted he take me to a bank, but he wouldn’t, he said it was fate or something. I was flabbergasted, this has never happened in the 13 years i’ve been here, but it renewed my faith in mankind.

I think there are good cab drivers and bad. Just depends on your luck. But i do think that there are many complete $%@& wits out there.

But the ones i hate more than anything are the bus drivers. they are endangering more people’s lives and they seem not to care at all. I have also had many an arguement with them and even got chased by a bus which stopped in front of me, opened the door and gave me the bird, i laughed. :unamused:

But definately don’t be afraid of calling the cops if you are in the right.

I agree… for all the stats claiming x% of taxi drivers being violent ex-cons, I’ve very rarely had any issues as a passenger. I’ve encountered one asshole (a long story, but it ended with me simply getting into another cab), one weirdo and one driver who did the round-the-world routine. The latter I didn’t even mind so much given that the average cabbie makes near enough bugger all. The rest have run the gamut from okay to friendly, helpful or outstanding.

I really feel a lot of sympathy for these guys who do a tough job but I also get very annoyed when they cross the line into selfish and dangerous driving. When they’re trying to squeeze every penny out of their work I don’t understand why they put so much unnecessary stress on their vehicles. Surely all that blasting off from lights, high speed weaving and rapid braking must cost them a fortune in gas, maintenance and tyres? Oddly enough, I’ve seen more and more youngish, fresh-faced guys in their early 30s driving cabs lately and they are always much more courteous than the old blokes. Maybe they just haven’t been doing it long enough to pick up all the bad habits?

PS: I told my mum about this story and even she thinks DM is great! I’ve shown this to loads of Taiwanese friends and every single one of them has commented on what a dick the taxi driver was. There is hope, people…

In Taipei, I think the worst bus company must be Tayou, and I am sure they have some ex-cons behind the wheels too. A few weeks ago I was on bus 205 when I realized I forgot my easycard and had no change whatsoever, so I offered the driver a NT$100 bill but he refused with a smile. If immediately felt a sorry about always complaining about Tayou (“Big Have”). That feeling lasted about an hour when I heard a driver of the same company honking his horn at about 10000 decibel…

… and no, the first driver didn’t smile, I made that up… :wink:

Other than playing a little dumb and trying to get 20 bucks extra out of me (maybe) cabbies I’ve used for transport have been great. Sharing the road with them, however…

First of all, I feel like I have to stick up for the cab drivers here. Some of them (OK, many) drive insanely, and I’ve had one stop so short to take a fare they almost knocked a scooter off the street sideways. However, many others are cheerful, friendly, and very chatty, which I appreciate as I’m still in the process of reconnecting myself with Taiwan. I’ve even tutored a couple of ladies in the English-speaking Taxi Drivers’ Association. You just can’t generalize.

Having said that, good for Dangermouse for standing up to bad behavior…and winning. A western woman tried to do the same in China, and met with less happy results:


Only just read this and way to go dangermouse. Great pics and I had a good laugh. Dont know about the taxi drivers where you guys are but my wife wont get in a taxi on her own after dark down here in Kaohsiung so that tells me what she thinks of them. They drive like crap here and most are betelnut chewing hill billies.

DM believes, quite rightly, that one would rather die on one’s feet than live on one’s knees. When you live on your knees you end up sucking cock.
Good for you DM, stick it to the man. Wherever they may be.

This may have been mentioned before, and someone may enlighten us to the “dark side” of this phenomenon, but there are many taxi drivers who do volunteer traffic direction, at least in Taipei.

I see them often wearing a vest with “yi jiao” and taxi driver’s uniform. Surely these folks aren’t too bad.

I spotted your man Mr. Mouse in front of the Trade Center arguing with a policeman–I almost crashed staring at him, sorry no photo. It was most definately him-Bing Lang Lips and crappy wind breaker, he looked like he was a victim pleading his case. If I see him again i’ll tell him you said hello.