I need the use of a drill for a day. It needs to go through some soft metal (the back post of an office chair) and some hard-ish wood. Two questions:[ul][li]What kind of drill should I be looking at?[/li][li]Where can I find one for rent (or does anyone in Taipei or Taoyuan have one I could borrow)?[/li][/ul]Thanks for any bits of information anyone can provide…
OK, assuming that I’ll need to buy a drill for this and maybe sell it on later, what should I be looking for? Will any electric drill / bit combination go through a few mm of aluminum, or do I need to look out for something in particular? Also, how should I get the hole started? Just drill away, or do I need something to stop the bit slipping? If it were wood I’d start the hole off with a bradawl, but I’ve never drilled anything metal before.
I’ve got a Black and Decker HM10 corded drill you could borrow. I’m pretty sure it works (it turns on at least), but I haven’t drilled anything with it. I got it as a hand-me-down from somebody.
The only thing is I don’t have any drill bits for it, except for one that says it’s supposed to be used for drilling metal. I can’t figure out how to get the bit into the drill, though, because it’s unlike one I’ve ever seen before.
You’re welcome to borrow it if you need it. I live very close to the MRT.
You can rent at B&Q I think. If you explain what you’re planning to drill, they should direct you to the correct drill to rent.
Joesox, you’re more than welcome to borrow mine. I have lots of bits too.
Same here.
Thanks for the kind offers and info! DB, whereabouts in Taipei are you?