Acronym vs. Abbreviation (and is HTTP a word?)

I know it’s vague. Every definition I’ve seen is vague and that’s the problem. Why is it EVERY person I ask says html and other such words are acronyms? The definition I posted had examples, but the examples don’t rule out the use of html (I’ll just stick with that for now). I said find a definition YOU like (from a serious source of course) if you didn’t like my Oxford definition.

I’ve already admitted I understand where your camp is coming from, but the opposite camp seems fixed on being correct, so let me map it out.

First what is an acronym (a new fresh definition for ya)?

Definition of html:

And all us nerds know html was made up from Hypertext Mark-up Language. And a noun is definitely a word…

So it is a WORD formed by combining initial letters of a series of words.

Textbook definition of acronym (I think it’s quite clear).

And, if I wanted to get even more technical, I could show you how and why LOL and ROTFL are acronyms. I have yet to see a definition that says anything about it being pronouncable.

Besides me being technically correct, I’m also pretty sure I’m popularly correct. Only English snoots (no offense snoots) roll around thinking they’re all high and mighty because they know the difference between an acronym, truncation, initialism, etc.

[url=ABC's vs psuedo ABCs? - #6 by Bu_Lai_En Bu Lai En was once untainted[/url] by language police propaganda. :wink: