Activities and fun things to do Taipei for the young at heart

I’m on the lookout for different fun activities to do in Taipei things like arcades, laser tag, paintball, kayaking, mini golf,high ropes courses, amuesment parks etc. Just unique and fun games and activities.

Here some I know about

Arcades: mostly just toms worlds that are most department stores. They’re all old with outdated machines. Strange since Japan is so close. Why they don’t create Japanese style Pachinko or giant Sega arcades with the latest machines or no taiwanese company wants to innovate on making their own machines I have no idea

VR arcades: I know there a few vivelands like in this fancy department store in xinzhuang
Honhui Plaza
02 8512 8366

And in gonguan digital plaza
02 7701 0231

For go karts, I know there’s this one in Bali

0913 526 959

There are several rock climbing gyms in Taipei
RedRock 紅石攀岩(士林紅石)
02 2883 7591

Mostly for bouldering

But I haven’t tried it yet

I’ve heard of some escape games but I’m unsure which are in English or Chinese only

There’s also a lot of boardgame shops where you can pay a fee to play boardgames and eat snacks. Again I’m not sure if there’s a location with English language boardgames or if it’s difficult to find new friends to play.

For amuesment parks, there are none in Taipei as far as I’m aware (except the one for children).

I also don’t think there are any cruises in this area. The only ones I’m aware of leave from Keelung? Not sure how frequent they are though.

If anyone has more suggestions I’d love to hear. I seen on Google maps there’s actually quite a few climbing gyms? Does anyone have personal experience with these?


Based on the weather thread, splashing in the puddles seems like a good choice

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Leofoo in Hsinchu has that.

Why would anyone visit places like that when Taiwan’s mountains offer so much more—incredible beauty, physical challenges, clean air.


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Yeah, but that’s not Taipei. It’s also quite far from Taipei

Is there outdoor climbing here? Usually you need to spend time training at the wall/climbing gym before you’re ready for outdoor lead climbing

if bouldering was mentioned, check out all the climbing, river tracing, hiking etc available. Taiwan in general has a lot. Taipei is cool because you have public transport to numerous places. usually you need a car, 4x4 or motorcycle to get into somewhere elsewhere in the country. Taipei being the “bowl” that it is has loads of cool wild stuff around it. Lots of groups around that discuss specific trails, spots etc.

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Wakeboarding, wakesurfing, sofa surfing and boat tour in Shezi.

There’s actually go-karting inside the ATT4Fun (or one of those buildings) in Xinyi. Haven’t tried, only seen.

Pretty sure there are auto-belay rock walls here. Not sure where.

There are Meetups to play games at board game places, meet people, etc. They’re for English speakers. Usually those games have Chinese and English directions. The employees can also teach you a game.

We seem to really be lacking in mini-golf. I only know one and it doesn’t look that great.

Plenty of English escape games around here. Just search on Maps or Google. I went to one called Limitless Escape Room which was quite good. I’ve been trying to organize going to another one with some people from a foreigner FB group, but no dice so far.

There’s an amusement park but it’s abandoned and overgrown… Still fun to explore if you can dodge the security :sunglasses:


I think I saw an ad for a new one recently.
I’ll try to find that again.

Edit: I found it!


Calling all smart entrepreneurs bring in axe throwing, better mini golfs and top golf to tw


Yeah that’s the only one I know of

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Golf seems very popular here, based on dating profiles I see… Strange that mini-golf isn’t

I guess weather is too bad for an outdoor one

You sir are traveling in different circles than I am. :upside_down_face:



There must be board gamers wandering in Forumosa. Just by pure probability, I can’t be the only one.


I used to see some of them gathering at Amore Pizza in Gongguan.

Given the frosty looks I received when I said hi, they didn’t seem like the friendliest bunch! :rofl:

PS Why are foreigners here sometimes so weird?


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Foreigners in Taiwan + board game geeks.

Maybe not the most social skilled people in the world😂


Hi! I said.

Frosty look freezes the room.



Nice thread. I’ve been looking for these activities myself, here’s my 2 cents:

  • Most escape rooms are in Mandarin. The main ones with good English translation are Limitless and Lost Taiwan. Limitless is very high quality but they only have 2 rooms. Lost Taiwan has 15 (!) bilingual rooms spread across 3 branches in Taipei, but most are pretty meh IMO. Also once you do 2-3 Lost Taiwan rooms, the other feel “similar style”, quite easy and frankly mundane. There are other escape room places with 1-2 English rooms, but usually require a larger group.

  • Viveland uses 5+ year old VR tech for the escape rooms. The screen quality is pretty low (~360-480p) and the experience isn’t great IMO.

  • Whee Minigolf is pretty lame by US minigolf standards. They have 9 holes and most are pretty boring and straightforward. They have some other activities there though (such as Jenga, Darts etc) so might be worth a visit once.


On this note, why is there a shortage of bowling alleys in Taipei?