Activities that are open 24/7?

I mean shops like xiaobeibaihuo or zhengyi, not sure what the name is in English.


Why waste time lying await stressing that I canā€™t sleep. When I go out and actually do something.

I tried lying in bed and forcing it, I just ended up wasting four hours in bed until I got up and called it quits.

Now, I can sleep, but it seems to be at stupid hours. I slept today from about 7.30 am until 12, and then again from about 2.30 until 6ish. So I can sleep. I just canā€™t sleep when I try to go to sleep at normal hours.

Still struggling to sleep normal hours. I felt tired and decided to turn in about 8 pm today. I managed to sleep until 11 and couldnā€™t get back to sleep after. My sleep cycle is completely and utterly fucked.

I have managed to get a week off work because of stress, but I think I may have to pack my job in if things donā€™t change and do my YouTube channel full time.

Weirdly, to say my sleeping hours are out of whack. I have been living healthier because of it. A regular swim, jog around the park or a bike ride is the order of the day.

KTV might be a decent suggestiin. If I can pursuade any night owls to join me lol.

I was more thinking solitary activities. I could easily do bowling by myself for an hour or so. Or swimming.

Lying in bed in the middle of the night for four hours, while you have sleeping problems, is not wasting time. It is trying to do what you are supposed to do. Sure, get up and drink a hot cup of milk and read a book if you cannot sleep, then two hours later go back to bed.

This ā€œI can sleep, but not at regular timesā€ is you screwing with your sleeping pattern. Please, by all means, continue with that, but please realize that you are messing up your own sleep.

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It sounds like you are experiencing biphasic sleep patterns. This was quite normal in pre-industrial revolution times. People went to sleep when the sun went down, woke up after one sleep cycle and futzed around doing whatever; reading, eating, having sex and then went back to sleep again for another cycle.

It is my normal sleep patterns these days by going to sleep at about the same time at night and then often waking predawn, taking a leak and then going back to bed until I eventually go back to sleep. This can run from minutes to hours depending. I find the trick for me is not thinking as much as possible and just letting my mind go blank until it settles down, usually into a second REM sleep cycle until I wake for the day.

Stressing about it will definitely interfere with returning to sleep so, when possible, try to decouple away from that.

It could be time to investigate a sleep aid. I have had a poor relationship with sleep all my life. For years I used Stillnox (the local Ambien) about once a week but usually to catch up on sleep. But it can give you a hangover feeling and cause sleepwalking for a very small number of people. But I stopped going to the hospital when covid hit and I havenā€™t really missed using it.

As far as ā€¦

Maybe not a bottle of scotch but I also occasionally wake with anxiety attacks, usually when Iā€™m stressed about something big. This will usually happen like 3-4 a.m. I know not to stay in bed when this happens. My treatment is go to the fridge and grab a cold beer (someone once recommended warm beer) and sit and sip for a few minutes. This reduces my anxiety and makes me drowsy enough to attempt going back to sleep which happens almost every time. But you have to find what works for you. A regular routine is best.

I canā€™t add to the list (tea houses in Wanhua?) but being out and about in the middle of the night in Taipei sounds nice though when the city is (mostly) asleep and you can have things largely to yourself. Good luck.