Ad market slump hits Taiwan

I see of vacant billboard ads space on buildings (at least in Kao City, not sure in Taipei), a big loss some some buildings and help keep lower rents. So how is Taipei, anyone notice more empty banner/billboard space. Its part of worldwide decline of ad spending, big online companies felling this too.

The online ad market is in a slump.

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Might be election after effects. Almost all of those are booked out during election periods. It might take a while until those populate with usual ads afterwards. Just a theory.

And those work for local businesses or products. Online ads are better targeted and more effective.


11 posts were split to a new topic: Kao City?

I see a lot of billboards warning about scams.

On line ad firms have not had good last few months , huge layoffs though our EU-Taiwan one is a bit better most are not doing well compared to a year ago.