ADSL Download speeds

Many people have complained about only getting 70kbs download speed…

Hmmmm Mine gets 532kbs sometimes faster or slower

Like most things, it depends on where you’re downloading from. I average between about 100k and 500k depending on the site.

[quote]Personal test results

872.4 kilobits per second
Communications 872.4 kilobits per second
Storage 106.5 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 9.6 seconds
Subjective rating Good
Explain results

Date & time Sunday, November 27, 4:22AM*
Test type IDT4 Free
Connection type ADSL
Region Asia
Data size 1024KB[/quote]

seems ok to me.

and this one from a Taiwan site:

I normally never hit anything over 300 down on a single thread. Load up multiple threads and I hit my max 100% of the time.

Ftp threads that is.

People who complain don’t know how to use the internet.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”][quote]Personal test results

872.4 kilobits per second
Communications 872.4 kilobits per second
Storage 106.5 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 9.6 seconds
Subjective rating Good
Explain results

Date & time Sunday, November 27, 4:22AM*
Test type IDT4 Free
Connection type ADSL
Region Asia
Data size 1024KB[/quote]

seems ok to me.

and this one from a Taiwan site:


1663.3 Kbps
203.8 K Bytes/sec

花費的下載時間(sec): 2.453
下載檔案大小(KBytes): 500
估計的速度 (KBits/sec): 1663.3
估計的速度 (KBytes/sec): 203.8



You got a link for those tests?

[quote=“Mordeth”][quote=“TainanCowboy”][quote]Personal test results

872.4 kilobits per second
Communications 872.4 kilobits per second
Storage 106.5 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 9.6 seconds
Subjective rating Good
Explain results

Date & time Sunday, November 27, 4:22AM*
Test type IDT4 Free
Connection type ADSL
Region Asia
Data size 1024KB[/quote]

seems ok to me.

and this one from a Taiwan site:


1663.3 Kbps
203.8 K Bytes/sec

花費的下載時間(sec): 2.453
下載檔案大小(KBytes): 500
估計的速度 (KBits/sec): 1663.3
估計的速度 (KBytes/sec): 203.8



You got a link for those tests?[/quote]

I think those tests are insignificant. Try to find a rather local server, and download a CD image from that server. Measure the time it takes to download the entire image and do the math.

You can do the same thing for your favorite server that might be on a different continent. Those artifical tests are error prone and don’t say anything, if you are not downloading anything from the server that the test is running on.

Mordeth -
Here: - Taiwan site.

and here: - Internet Bandwidth Speed Test.

More can be found on google.
I thinmk they should be taken with a wee bit of salt. But they provide some reference points.

I get this

86808.5 Kbps
10638.3 K Bytes/sec


花費的下載時間(sec): 0.047
下載檔案大小(KBytes): 500
估計的速度 (KBits/sec): 86808.5
估計的速度 (KBytes/sec): 10638.3

And this

869.6 kilobits per second

Communications 869.6 kilobits per second
Storage 106.1 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 9.6 seconds
Subjective rating Good

Explain results

Date & time Wednesday, December 7, 2:36AM*
Test type IDT4 Free
Connection type ADSL
Region Asia
Data size 1024KB
IP address

bout the same as you Sat TV

Communications 885.3 kilobits per second
Storage 108.1 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 9.5 seconds
Subjective rating Good

This is not always a reliable measure either because you can’t know the server load and what capacity is available on the server’s end. With that said though I still think it is a good rough estimate.

I don’t know how dated this is (it shouldn’t be), but have you and a friend download ttcp and do the test between each other. With this test you can know what is going on at both endpoints.

ttcp utility