Advice for resigning

I figured it won’t hurt to ask for future reference not only for myself but for another co-worker as well.

How do you properly resign if you want to find a different job in Taiwan?. I’m wondering about what kind of excuse you could use and if you have any rights when you resign. (I’ve done my research but the cases that I’ve found were kinda old so wanted more updated information)

Can the employer refuse to let you quit and can they not give you the document (s) you need to get another job?

Your contract should say how much time you need to give.

Do you have an open work permit?

Someone more knowledgeable than me will most likely reply after this is answered lol.

The contract says a month notice nothing else about how things would go after that.

I personally would find another job first. Then write a formal letter stating your last day (30 days from whatever day) give them a copy and keep one for yourself. They shouldn’t keep any documentation (especially if you give the notice the contract says). If they do you call the labour board.
Just tell them you found another job. If they for whatever reason keep questioning you make up BS “oh it’s closer to where I want to live!” It really isn’t their business though lol.

Thanks. I guess that’s one way to go about it if you would still like to stay and work in Taiwan.

Wait do you want to find a different job here or leave lol

Unless there is a reason to immediately leave, wouldn’t it be better to find a job then resign?

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I’m just saying if I want to stay that’s one way of doing it. If I want to up and leave how I quit wouldn’t matter lol.

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Personally I just waited until the end of my contract. However, most of my bosses were ok.

Yeah, I’ve thought about it but might have to fight the school to let me go too. Even if I did find another employer before I resign, not sure if the new employer would bother to wait that’s the tricky part.

I plan to finish the contract but I have to be prepared to leave whenever too. I hope for the best but need an escape route if things aren’t looking good later.

If they really want to hire you they will wait. Or whenever you email them say you will be able to start work in two months. They know we sign contracts. Some might offer to pay for you to leave early but wouldn’t count on it.

Even if you plan to leave Taiwan I would really suggest you find a job prior to leaving. Unless you have something to fall back on. I’m going through similar feelings if I want to stay or leave lol.

Can I ask is this a school or what kind of job?

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If that happens let’s hope they’re willing to wait haha. If I leave Taiwan I don’t need to find a job right away so that’s not a problem. If I do need a job asap I already have something to fall back on.

I’m a public school FET. My experience in Taiwan so far isn’t too dreadful yet but I’m planning ahead because I’m not a fan of micromanagement, passive-aggressive behaviors, and a hostile work environment.

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I feel the last part plus the constant lying people do. :sob:
You should check the “when is the right time to leave” thread if you haven’t already.

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The lying, screwing people over, and taking advantage of employees is a no. People are always shady when it comes to money. Thanks I’ll check that thread out.


It sucks because if you tell your coworkers they’ll snitch or just claim that’s the way of Taiwan. Like it’s somehow OK for people to be bad here because it’s their “culture”. :joy:

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It’s bs how they try to blame you for “misunderstanding” or “misinterpreting” their actions even going as far as saying it’s a “miscommunication”. Not communicating and avoiding things? Doubt it it’s a miscommunication. That’s an IDGAF attitude. People always like to play the good guys to convince others they’re not bad people but actions speaks louder than words folks. I’m only here because I want to be here if they want to push their luck I’ll drop them without notice IDGAF too.

If they say it’s normal then the culture is full of dishonest people and crooks.


I’ve had people on here and in person say I misinterpreted something when I definitely didn’t. It sucks because it’s other forgeiners trying to defend this BS too.
It’s like they’re social behind here. There are kids saying things that would get them suspended in other countries. Coworkers don’t communicate with you but complain to the manager. I swear Taiwan is behind 30 years. :joy: You just have to find something to occupy your mind so you don’t think about it when you’re not at work.

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Yeah that’s messed up when foreigners should know better than to do us dirty like that. Side with abuse and corruption thanks for nothing. I don’t know depends on how the employer act if they keep testing me they can teach the textbook again I’m out. I’m not about to sit around let them bs me to no end.

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Yeah don’t take that crap home with you.

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