AF384 and foreign marriage catch-22?

Hi all,

My father has an inactive HHR (with all documents), married my Chinese mom outside Taiwan. He is unwilling to go back to Taiwan to reactivate his HHR, so I planned on getting power of attorney to register my parents’ marriage for my TARC application.

However, in order to register the marriage would I need to reactivate his HHR first? That is, can I register their marriage under his inactive HHR or would I need to first reactivate his HHR?

According to here, I can also reactivate the HHR with power of attorney:



is he in Taiwan?


Im not sure if your parents marriage should be registered in Taiwan to apply for TARC, but you can do it without activating his hhr.


1.雙方或一方在國內現有或曾有戶籍者,在國外結婚,得檢具相關文件,向我國駐外使領 館、代表處、辦事處、其他外交部授權機構(以下簡稱駐外館處)或行政院於香港、澳 門設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體申請,經驗證後函轉或授權委託他人至戶籍地或 最後遷出戶籍地戶政事務所辦理結婚登記。

You might also want check the draft amendament of immigration act discussed at the parliament now, if you are over 18 and you apply for TARC to get a citizenship.