African Immigrants most Successful Ethnic Group in US (Beating #2 Indian, #2 E. Asian and #4 White)

Yes there is responsibility on all sides to share. My point is the media takes a small fire and throws kerosine on it to make situations far worse than reality. In reality when people sit down Americans on both sides agree on the key points of issues but when its overly generalized by the MSM people cant agree. Theyre creating in environment where discussion and common sense isn’t possible because everyone is angry

However, I doubt most right wing extremists these days are into the pajama robe uniform and have joined other groups outside the KKK . If you include those numbers it would be higher but still very small yes.
I doubt millennials would join the KKK but maybe Alt Right , no idea what’s their numbers but got to be higher than the KKK

Yea I agree there are other groups like Neo Nazis but theyre all smaller than they were in the 1990s by far. There is less hate and division in the US today than ever. There is less violent crime too, and despite what people think US is safer today than ever. There can always be improvement and theres a long way to go.

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Agreed. But IMO that’s because the business mode of MSM has changed in the past 25 years. When CNN came on the scene that was the dawn of 24 hour news. Social media just made the information all the time/be first with breaking the story all the worse.

And ad revenue and business modes have change drastically in the last ten years

Edit: Bust I still don’t buy into the “fake news” cry. For something to be effective it has to be used wisely. Bad press isn’t “fake news” it’s news that bad for you.


Would you consider the ALT right as extreme as the KKK?

I used to before I really looked into who they were. I just took the medias word for it and used to believe theyre just a bunch of Neo Nazis with guns. It was easier for me to categorically write them off and believe the news, less work for me. I would say they are more constitutionalists that accept any race as long as one defends the constitution, there are all races in these groups and they are proud to have them. There are always a few racist people in any group that ruins things.

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Invoking ‘MSM’ and ‘TDS’ are just lazy mechanisms for people with no ability to debate specifics. When you run out of train tracks, learn to build some more instead of making excuses for why your train can’t reach the station on time.


Ive given lots of specifics, specific networks and specific things they said which are false. Instead of pointing out where my specifics are wrong you resort to just categorically writing off anyone who says MSM.

I don’t want to list every network every time its a long list. Its the same reason why people say… College Tuition in the US are more expensive now than ever… even citing 2-3 colleges and tuition examples. Then someone like you comes along and says unless you name every college Im just being lazy and have no ability to debate specifics. :roll_eyes:

Still waiting for some stats that shows African immigrants are more successful than other ethnic groups.

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What do you want? A friggin breakdown by the Treasury Department with an excel sheet? Heres another article.
What do you have against the fact that African Immigrants might be a very successful minority group? I mean there are many articles and you still want to refute it… Do you have some chip on your shoulder against African Immigrants? Just be happy for them…Goddamn

Gives them an advantage. Never said that it was a determining factor.

I don’t think they’re neo nazis but I find it hard to accept they are not white supremacists. Richard Spensor is at very least a white separatist。

The only real difference between the alt-right and the KKK is that alt-right people are educated, while the KKK is mostly rural and uneducated.

I think the Klan is antiquated but hardly rural and uneducated. One example is David Duke and I’m sure he has educated people around him.


If you read up on him on Wikipedia, it’ll clear his background was lower class. His mother was an alcoholic and left him when he was 12. His father was educated, but left him too.

Anyways, there is a chapter in Freakonomics which is a report of a Jewish person who infiltrated the Klan. He described the members as basically grumpy, unemployed white folks.


Okay…but still didn’t stop him from achieving a legislative seat and will you look at those guns?


I guess he had no luck changing birth right citizenship, and this works in a similar way. I don’t think most other countries have this problem as they don’t grant birth right citizenship. EU countries do not for example. I think a few others have birth right citizenship are Mexico, maybe Canada?

Whats wrong with that? As a 1st gen Immigrant I think this is a good idea. Make the US more like Europe and Asia in regards to birthright citizenship. I personally know 4 people taking advantage of this and my coworker in LA opens his house to AirBnb and many of the people renting are in the US to give birth for citizenship.

Current US law is lenient on birthright citizenship. Its legal and Customs Officers only asks that the traveling/visitor visa mother has proof of insurance or money to pay for the birth cost in US at our Hospitals so Doctors/Medicine/Hospital fees for Foreign Birth Tourists doesnt land on US Taxpayers as it did in the past as the birth Tourism has gotten out of hand.

As long as the Visa is valid and the birth is within the traveler Visas date ie they didn’t Jump planes or come over Illegally…The parent is allowed to give birth in the US and the child has US Citizenship. Its a VERY Lenient law compared to most of the world.

If the parent comes over illegally ie Skips planes, comes across Northern of Southern border without even a visitor visa, or 90 free Visa then its illegal. The child is undocumented and becomes a Dreamer.

I didn’t say in my post that anything was right or wrong with it.

Just posted it.

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