African Immigrants most Successful Ethnic Group in US (Beating #2 Indian, #2 E. Asian and #4 White)

Also Amy Chua claims that most African Americans in college have at least one first generation African immigrant parent.

It raises the question of why the Igbo don’t rule Africa.

That is absolutely untrue. America, Canada, Australia are all prosperous and diverse.

This is typical Republican speech.

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because the British put them in the same country as the Hausa Fulani. They loved cobbling countries together out of more than one ethnic group so they would fight each other instead of revolting.

America did better when immigrants adopted the common language and values.

Not all diversity is the same. It’s not something that comes in five pound bags to be mixed into the batter.


Dude, that was an awful long time ago. Also, why did the locals let it happen in the first place?

By a certain point, you either figure out how to take charge or you deserve the blame for your predicament.



One of their princes is emailing me, I’ll ask him how things are developing.


Let your prince sort out his own problems is my advice.

This so far hasn’t wished out so well.

The kindest thing we can say about this is the kindest thing we can say about any utopian experiment of the 18/19th centuries: it was worth a shot.

Back then they didn’t have a lot of data. Back then even Marxism seemed plausible.

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This was back in the news not too long ago mainly because of Naomi Campbell having to take the stand about Charles Taylor and a huge diamond she was alleged to have received.

Their motives were of the highest. Their competence wasn’t even in the same ballpark.

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Statistics and Facts. For just 2 simple examples
FBI Statistics show: Violent Crime is decreasing from peak in 1990s. US is statistically and factually safer now than ever. But MSM reporting of violence is increased 4 fold creating FEAR.

“For the second consecutive year, the estimated number of violent crimes in the nation decreased when compared with the previous year’s statistics, according to FBI figures released today. In 2018, violent crime was down 3.3 percent from the 2017 number. Property crimes also dropped 6.3 percent, marking the 16th consecutive year the collective estimates for these offenses declined.”

There was a higher KKK membership, more rallies during all past Presidencies than under Trump… Higher under Obama, Bush, Clinton Bush Sr. Yet the MSM reporting on KKK was next to nothing. KKK membership peaked in 1929 at about 15 million, then declined, then had a slight resurgence in 1950s then a slow consistent decline year after year since to its lowest rate in 2018/2019. When was the last time you saw MSM compare KKK membership numbers historically and their rally numbers? Never. Yet no one asks why and blindly accepts the hate brainwashing because it fits your narrative you’d like to believe.

The current KKK membership is roughly 6000-8000 nationwide. Compare that to 20,000 for MS 13 and 30,000 for 18th Street Gang. KKK rallies are rare now compared to the past yet reporting about racism and KKK is nonstop 24/7. There are more Antifa Rallies today why not report those 24/7? In any country at any time there could be racism rallies every other week for decades why does the media choose concentrate on them now? They only show the rallies when they are against each other to stir division and hate among Americans. Dont buy into it. Most Americans aren’t like that overwhelmingly. Dont let the MSM convince you with their fear/division/racism narrative and inflame tensions. How does that solve any problems? Just so you can blame Trump?

There is zero correlation between the number of KKK rallies and the number of times MSM chooses to report on it just as there is zero correlation between the real level of violence and the number of times MSM chooses fearful violent stories. There are a lot of good things happening in this world that they won’t report. If the MSM reported more accurately based on statistics before would fear less and KNOW the world is getting better instead of being so fearful and divisive while in reality the US is far safer, more accepting of Immigrants, minorities than ever. Especially when compared to other countries. This is not to say there isn’t more work to be done. But there is MORE work to be done everywhere.

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FBI? I’d like to see corroboration from a credible source.

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Violent crime in the U.S. has fallen sharply over the past quarter century. The two most commonly cited sources of crime statistics in the U.S. both show a substantial decline in the violent crime rate since it peaked in the early 1990s. One is an annual report by the FBI of serious crimes reported to police in more than 18,500 jurisdictions around the country. The other is a nationally representative annual survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which asks approximately 160,000 Americans ages 12 and older whether they were victims of crime, regardless of whether they reported those crimes to the police.

never mind…

So…you see it as a creation of the figment of MSM’s imagination?

Are you seriously suggesting Msnbc, CNN, Fox, Wapo, Newsweek, Huffington Post are unbiased and fair news? Reporting only what happens with facts and no opinions? To only inform just the facts to allow the viewers to form an unbiased opinion? Look how MSM treats even Andrew Yang and Bernie, Tulsi as well.

No it has to do with how many times MSM chooses to concentrate on what story and why. They are also beholden to their sponsors. Many news anchors have openly spoken out and quit on live air saying MSM is false propaganda over the last 15 years. So these people are all lying and crazy but the message is to always be believed? What is their motive, political or otherwise? For example why does CNN choose to talk about the 2 year Mueller Investigation 24/7 doing over 1000 reports on it across 2 years when there are many stories, tragedies around the world they’ve ignored. Is the Mueller investigation the only thing that happened in 2 years? No they chose to repeat it 10 times a day for political purposes to further their narrative. CNN’s own employees have said CNN is fake news, check out Project Veritas.

Ive seen many stories passed up by MSM like CNN, MSNBC many tragedies over the 2 years because they choose to only show the Mueller Investigation or Talk about how Trump is 100% a Russian Asset. You seriously believe the news at this point? One of the few…keep hanging on to it.

No arguement that MSM has an agenda and much of it political. I just haven’t arrived at the “fake news”, outrage or disappointment with how its suddenly (for mainstream America) become negative and divisive.

Or maybe as an AA I’m already jaded and cynical and think folks should stop blame the media for self-created issues.

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