✈ Air Travel | Tyre detached off plane on landing at Taoyuan International Airport

When aeroplane hit the ground, it came out

also herehttps://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4922630

I’m taking that very flight on Sunday. Wish me luck.


You will be fine ! (everyone got off the plane in good shape). Enjoy Singapore or wherever your destination is.

Better take a spare. Just in case.

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I’ll wear a parachute.

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So airplane is not a word anymore?

I’ve learned something. Aeroplane is only British English. Not francophones. Isn’t that bizarre?

It’s two-way loan word action. That normally costs double.

Found it


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Holy shit. Is that guy alive?


Areolaplane is also used in some locale. Frequently near runways but not necessarily.

It’s probably better to fly with an airline after they’ve had a maintenance-related incident rather than immediately before.


I agree, with the proviso that’s it’s worse to fly with an airline immediately before they have a maintenance related incident.


When’s the next scheduled one? I’ve got to take a flight soon. :airplane: :grimacing:

That’s what I’m wondering as well.

Sure both are good??