Tell me this will never happen.
if they just anaesthetised us as we got on board, they could pack more people in, people would not complain about the bad food and movies, there would be no drunk aggression from football teams on holiday, and you could stack everyone up like cordwood logs and ensure that you’d never get another stiff back from a too-small chair.
And it’s a great way to reduce our carbon footprint! I’m surprised the environazis haven’t already thought of it.
I call shenanigans. Let’s just look at all the reasons why this can’t possibly work:
If I were a terrorist, couldn’t I just like, CUT IT OFF before doing my terrorist stuff? (If it’s made out of adamantium, then surely there would at least be enough room to slip in some sort of insulation, like the stuff electrical line workers put in their gloves.)
Will children be given these too? Will they be shock-able?
So, they’re activated by lasers, aimed anywhere within 10 cm of the bracelet. What’s to stop some mischief-maker from smuggling a pen-laser into the airport, and turning on peoples’ bracelets with it?
Will foreign countries do this too, or will it just be the U.S.? What about international flights entering or departing the U.S.–how would that work?
Er, how much is all this likely to cost? Who’s going to pay for it?
Just asking…
Who cares if it works as long as you can get a contract from DHS.
Here’s the company:
I don’t think they have a contract for this. I really hope not.
The laser would be modulated with a code, obviously. A 32 bit code would mean you’d need to try 4 billion combinations before you could activate the shock collars.
Incidentally I thought GPS shock collars would be good for pets. You’d have concentric shock zones. The inner one would be shock free, the next one would be uncomfortable and outer one would be painful. If you want your pet to come home by a set time you’d program the collar to centre the zones at your house and then gradually shrink them at about the speed the pet could walk.
Of course if you were fancy you’d make them zones of increasing hunger or something. That way coming home would be as natural as eating. If you look at philosphically, we’re all manipulated by our cerebellums in this sort of way anyway.
GPS shock collars are already being used for stock herds, and save umpteen dozens of dollars on fences.
free will, hey? we’ve all got such collars inside us already, and they’re being activated all the time by . now that would be a ‘stunning’ legal defense.
Because the shark is too big to be carried, silly boy.
This is what happens, when you are disobedient.
They already have this. The brand name is something like “Invisible Fence.”
Lots more bad passengers now, so maybe a need for them.
They should have a badge for “epic grave digs”