Alabama passes bill banning abortion

As for China, how many babies were killed by their policy?

Back to one of the key points @tando. What is the definition of a “ baby?”

Well if it’s more than the amount killed in the USA their combined totals over the last 30 years could be at 150 millions plus

I did not lie. The official statement was that the medication had too many aftereffects to be considered marketable. Nowadays women contraceptives still have a lot of problems, so it is not rare that a new medicine is not perfect. What is interesting is that it was just recently started being developed, meaning focus was always on the most difficult side, the receiving end. But they are back on the testing stage. My bet is we will get to Mars before it becomes as commonplace as Viagra.

The gun analogy is not mine, look it up. And it stands to logic: there is no chance to get hurt if you remove the bullets from the gun. A bulletproof vest has weak spots…And leaves head, neck, and extremities vulnerable. Those little tailed soldiers can find cracks to get in.

This is what you said. Does female birth control cause permanent infertility? Yes it does cause some of the side effects female birth control does in human studies. But No. It’s was not pulled from being in the market because it cause the same sides effect as female birth control. It didn’t go through because people committed suicide while on it and most importantly, it caused permanent infertility.

What you said was at best a complete misrepresentation of the facts if not a flat out lie.

Btw, nice throwing viagra into the conversation when it’s not even a form of birth control. You should look up how viagra came to be. It was not a drug marketed towards ED. It’s a vasodilator used for high heart pressure.

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It’s a stupid analogy that doesn’t even make sense. Yes because a major expensive invasive surgery that can cause permanent infertility is the best and reasonable solution to not killing babies. All I hear from you is man this, man that. Like a true man hatter. What about the baby?

Just on a side note: there are way more aborted Female babies than Male. A lot of female life is being aborted.

Do you know if this is true in the US? Or it’s a global number. I know for sure in places like China this would be true.

Globally , not sure in the US. I think in the US most abortions happen because the people that have them generally do not care or care that much. I think we all have met or know of westerners who have had multiple abortions. If they cared much why would they need a second one apart from rape or incest etc?


Oh yes, it does, in some cases. Try readuing about the cooper T.

Now, I have not read such extreme cases as you describe. I did read that the men complained of headaches and unconfort andf there were secondary effects in the circulatory system. I cannot believe a drug that made men infertile was even approved for human trial. And there have been several trials of different kinds of drugs. To me that situation you describe speaks more of fear mongering or corrupted practices by certain pharmaceutical companies.

My point is that women put up with a lot of secondary effects and risks for the pill, which has been in development since the 50s. Now, men pills have been slower to come by, hence the complain why it took so long to start. It is more complicated, OK, I know, but it is a task beyond market. Everyone deserves control over their reproductive tactical equipment.

@Icon I know how they work. I just explained to you it’s testosterone and progesterone. You have an issue of telling people they don’t know something and should read when they do. When you take exogenous androgenic hormones, your body stops producing your own androgenic hormones. I know how the negative feedback loop works. Do you? I don’t think you know what you’re talking about at all. Please stop your own BS fear mongering. I explained to you perfectly how it works. You are wrong. Stop trying to deny it and explain it away with some BS theories.

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as for cruel and unusual punishment, a 10 year old raped girl is locked up and forced to give birth to a baby of a rapist, when there is not any immediate life threat, is not a cruel and unusual punishment for being raped, because she is not as innocent as the unborn baby?

I am doing fear mongering? Where?

I cannot deny that I am wrong on something that is still ongoing investigation. I just state what I know.

Geez, man go get an Oranciata, calm down. You do not want to use it, fine, just buy high quality condoms and pray not to be the 1%.

You don’t know. You made up a complete lie that it wasn’t used because it caused the same side effects female contraceptives did. I explained to you that it can cause permanent infertility. I just explained to you why using testosterone and progesterone was stopped. It causes a negative feedback loop of your own hormones. Do you know what a negative feedback loop is? Sometimes, you don’t recover after your body stops producing it’s own androgens.

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Andrew, that was one test, one drug. There are several drugs, several companies, many people working on the same goal: to grant men the power to control the bit.

The fear mongering is saying it cannot be done at all.

And women have put up with many medications -thalidomide anyone?- so yeah, mess ups we are also familiar with.

I understand that you get upset defending teh male narrative of teh press is against us, saying we do not have the balls to stand up to secondary effects as wonen do is feminist crap, part of the liberal establsihment narrative against men, etc ad nauseum. But it may be that cognitive bias at play, looking for teh worset case scenario, as thsi is still a viable proyect. as i said, it may not be a reality that soon, but human trials are still going on.

TBH, plastic and chemicals in food are more of a danger for male fertility than these drugs.

No. All of the ones you said was not used because it cause some of the same side effects as female one use the same thing. Testosterone and progesterone. All of them. Using these two hormones causes a negative feedback loop of your own hormones. And sometimes they become permanent. So that’s why it stppped.

Well, it is what we have inside our bodies. Again, not all trials have met the same fate.


People have been using testosterone and progesterone for ages. They are steroids. It is known to potentially cause permanent infertility. I’m not making it up. Read of the negative feedback loop of androgens when exogenous androgens are introduced.

The concept of using the side effects of steroids which is infertility is new. But using these drugs are not.

Eh you know that in women, it takes a while to recover the hormones after stopping the pill and getting pregnant?

Let´s just agree to disagree, as there are ongoing trials and time is teh one that can tell if this ide awill not work at all. Maybe they will come up with some balance.

Hormones and steroids… sigh…