Alabama passes bill banning abortion

I think people should see it done. We had dinner with liliths friend who is studying to be a doctor here in Italy. She did a type of internship they make people who want to study medicine do at the hospital. She was pro choice before but she said she changed her mind after being assigned to the place where they would do abortions.

Being pregnant is sadly being talked about like it’s a disease you remove now in some pro choice people. They want to call it a treatment. Never mind it’s the natural biological result of sex which they seem to not want to admit. It’s like some unwanted side effect to them.

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Yeah. I don’t know those people, so it’s not possible to judge. But it’s still sad as fuck. Just real sad.

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Yes, the site is a Christian organization, but it clearly states it gets data from Guttmacher Institute and U.S. CDC.

unmarried woman acct for 86% of all abortions
adolescents under 15 are 0.03%, 15-19 are under10%
victims of rape make up under 0.5%
2 types of health problems together are 7%
Florida has data saying 0.001% are from incestuous relationship

It’s a tough debate no matter who is doing the talking, but I’d rather see social programs target those sub-7% of all abortions noted above that are for reasons mostly out of the girls’/women’s control.
I’m anti-abortion, but realize extenuating circumstances need to be discussed rationally.


Condoms are ~98% effective when used properly. Let’s say back in your single days you picked up a girl at the club and she was one of the unlucky 2% that got pregnant…how would you handle that?

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Take care of the life I made. Why?

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It’s a good time to see how the Justices appointed by Republicans stand. Could yield to movement conservatives an idea of just how far to push when/if Ginsberg’s seat is up.

I’m not surprised or shocked at all, though. Republicans have been chattering - in public and to anybody who’d listen - about overturning Roe for 46 years now. Not exactly news that they would start the chess game now.

What about if the girl feels differently?

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Idk, what’s your point of personal questions.

It’s easy to say you would do that when it’s a rhetorical question. What if it had happened when you were 16?

I wouldn’t kill a baby regardless of my age. End of story.


She should have thought about that before making the choice to engage in baby making, aka sex.

The person who fathers a child should have a say in defending that innocent life and stopping the decision to terminate, aka murder that life.

Abortion. The only oops in life where you get a free pass to murder an innocent human being. :ponder:

Maybe real-life personal examples are in order.
A couple were dating (one of them a blood relative of mine) and the girl became pregnant while both in college. They decided to keep the baby. Baby was raised by one of the couple’s parents and both subsequently graduated from college. They then decided they were unprepared to become parents and decided to give up baby for adoption, which did happen.
To this day, I know all involved are happy with this decision to keep the life of the baby (and proud it was done so in an adult way with everyone offering help). Some may be sad at not seeing the baby now many years later, but happiness overrides as another family was able to raise the baby.
A side note. One of the families had adopted a baby themselves from a young single mother through an orphanage many years before the above event occurred. Two babies saved through adults taking responsibility for their actions.
Can this happen to poor people?
Yes. All kinds of help out there (via govt or private programs for the poor).


Churches regularly will tell people who want abortions of financial reasons they will pay for their entire medical expense during pregnancy and help the kid get adopted as well.










What about all the women that were date raped by Justin Lee?

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That wasn’t her choice. My personal belief is that there is an early term exception in the case of rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother from pregnancy.

I guess good thing those women don’t live in Alabama.


It’s not a baby.

Since you are asking personal questions…

  1. Do you have a child / children?

  2. Have you ever witnessed the birth of a child?

  3. Have you ever seen a live ultrasound?

  4. Have you ever listened to the heart beat of a baby in the womb?

  5. Have you ever seen or felt a baby move inside its mother?

  6. Have you ever carried a life inside of you?

If you can say yes to any of these, then you should know first hand just how real and precious life is for a child in the womb.

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