ALEXANDER'S Health Club. Kaput. Bankrupt. GONE

So, what, if anything, are you guys doing or going to do to get your money back? Or are we all pretty much SOL?

Has anyone formed a class action?

From the looks of it there is nothing the members can do as there is no money to give back anyway and the branch in China seems cannot be touched by the authorities in Taiwan… Seems like doing anything would be worthless…

Alexander has sent out a letter to former members informing them that a new company has taken over the business (I forget the name). The letter is in Chinese, which I can’t read, so don’t quote me directly but I’m told the essence is that former members can bring their membership cards/information and rejoin the gym. You must pay an NT$1,200 per month “cleaning fee”. I don’t know if you have to commit for a period of time or can do it on a monthly basis. Only a few of the branches are reopening from what I am told: Neo 19 building near Taipei 101, Dunhua/Civil Blvd, one in Chungho or Yungho (I forget which town) are a couple I know about. I believe they reopened this past week. The offer is for a limited time but I’m not sure how long.

With the reduction in the branches it might not be as convenient for me and it galls me to pay a second time for something I already paid for so I haven’t decided if I will re-up. I don’t know how NT$1,200 a month compares to California or Gold’s (are they still around?) Anyway, one thing is for sure, I won’t be giving a long-term commitment to Alexander (or whatever their new name is) or any other gym again. If I can pay on a monthly basis I might consider it but I’m not throwing good money after bad.

Hope this helps any other Alexander dupes like me. If anybody has any more information please post. Thanks.

I joined WorldGym in Xindian. After a NT3900 processing fee, I pay 1200 monthly. If you join with someone who has the same address as you and put it on the same credit card, the second person only pays 999/month. I’ll be dmned if I’ll pay that much for the old Alexander. WorldGym is much nicer and didn’t scrw me out of NT30,000.

Golds was bought out by California. If you negotiate hard, and pay in advance, you can get a membership there that nets out to about the same amount. You will just feel like you were slimed, though, by the sales person.

That’s actually a fantastic deal.

Was this a promotion and was it recent?

I am still waiting to see if we get any refund from Alexander.

A refund from them is highly unlikely…so don’t get your hopes up too much. Sorry 'bout this! :frowning: …How much did you pay for your membership? I personally lost about 30-something thousand… :fume:

Anyway, I recently re-joined the Alexander in Chung Ho which have been re-named Action Life. Basically everything inside is still the same…the Equipments, the Sauna, Swimming Pool, Aerobics etc…They had this special one time limited offer for former Alexander member’s (Offer already expired on 31st June!) where we do not have to pay any processing fee/entrance fee but just needed to pay a monthly maintenance fee of NT1200.00, although this privilege is valid for 18 mths only and after that, everything goes back to normal. I was made to sign a waiver which stated that upon joining Action Life, all past relations which I had with Alexander have been severed which means I cannot sue Alexander or Action Life in the future.

That’s actually a fantastic deal.

Was this a promotion and was it recent?[/quote]
It was a few months ago and I’ve actually seen posts in other threads on this forum from people who got better deals.

Mind you, mine is single location only, although I can use any other facility worldwide up to 14 (i think) times each per calender year.

Before going to the location, I went to the web site and printed pages that had an offer for something around 1100/month on it. When I got there, though, they tried to tell me it was for Taichung only, even though it didn’t say anything about it on the ad. I didn’t accept that. Because we were two people from the same household joining together, they had a “family” plan where the first person paid 1200 and the second paid 999, so the net came out to what the online ad offered anyway.

I don’t think that offer is on their web site anymore, but they do still have information about helping former Alexander members. If that be you, DON’T tell them you were an Alexander member until you’ve squeezed the best possible price out of them. If you tell them you want the Alexander deal (which is added time free at the end of your membership) they will tell you that you need to buy a more expensive membership to qualify. I didn’t accept that either, and after escalating it to he main office, they relented.

I detest gym membership sales almost as much as car sales. Same shady tactics.


I paid around 30K and only went one time… then “poof”, that B women owner stole my money.

Poor woman… shes just a hapless victim of her inability to be honest

Say her on TV crying. I think she bowed a couple of times too… See that proves her innocence and victim status

[quote=“TNT”]Poor woman… shes just a hapless victim of her inability to be honest

Say her on TV crying. I think she bowed a couple of times too… See that proves her innocence and victim status[/quote]

She’s also exiled and living in multimillion dollar house overseas. She regrets not being able to come back to Taiwan to eat Taiwanese snacks.

Wow…that sucks big time… :frowning: …just went once huh!!! I don’t know if it’s bad timing or just bad luck but to lose 30K in a flash…man! At least I went for 8 mths before that damn Candy Tang decided to pack her bags & fly off to wherever she’s living now :fume: :raspberry:

[quote]Say her on TV crying. I think she bowed a couple of times too… See that proves her innocence and victim status[/quote] Haaa…crying? I practically saw her snickering when she was bowing her head thinking “Darn, I never knew I could get away this easy…should have done this a long time ago…time to live in exile now!..hmm…time to open a new health chain in Vietnam or Indonesia”

[quote]She’s also exiled and living in multimillion dollar house overseas. She regrets not being able to come back to Taiwan to eat Taiwanese snacks.[/quote] I’m sure she’ll be eating a lot of Taiwanese knuckle sandwiches from a lot of old members the day she returns!!! :laughing: