All YouBike docks full - what to do?

Hi, does anyone have any advice regarding what to do when you arrive to your destination using ubike and find out all too late all docks are full? I just left it standing there next to the docks unlocked hoping for the best… has anyone done it and what do you think will happen? Thanks a lot in advance

I would have waited until someone took another bike away. Or at least locked it up until I could go back. Much better than risking someone taking off with it and you are the last record they have.

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oh no…
that was a terrible idea because you are responsible for the bike you borrowed until it is docked.
If it is stolen, you have to compensate the company for it. NTD 9000?


If you just left it there then surely your rental is still open and you’re still paying?


Just leaving it is probably a terrible idea. Best case scenario may be somebody saw it, took the free bike, and docked it somewhere else, so the charge won’t get too high.

The UBike app can show other nearby stations and if they have slots: or at least it used to. I haven’t used it successfully on my iPhone in a while. Maybe Google maps has a similar function.

Edit: just checked the app, hey it’s working for me now!


If you go to the little booth thingy, I believe there should be an option to notify that all the docks are full and you can leave it until the fella arrives to clear some spaces.


Go to the Kiosk and select the parking full option 自動服務機上點選 (車位已滿),
This will give you 30 minutes free time for waiting available docks at the station



YouBike系統在設計時已考慮此一問題,當租賃站位子已滿時,使用者可到該站之自動服務機上點選「車位已滿」,將可獲半小時免費使用時間,使用者可在此一時間內到下一站還車,或在該站等候空位再行還車。(半小時後將繼續計算費用) 另使用者亦可致電微笑單車客服尋求協助,並請廠商至現場調度提供車位供使用者還車,客服專線可撥打02-89785511或1999轉5855




The YouBike jockey who replaces them usually comes every 15 or 30 minutes to add some bikes if they’re empty, or take some away if they’re full.

Otherwise I try to find another nearby bike station. Usually the ones outside MRT stations have slots open.

Plan C if I’m really on a tight schedule is I just bike-lock it and then try to dock it later (you do carry a bike lock, right?).

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Don’t they have a cable lock built in?

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Yes, they do. But I often find they’re kinda… broken or frayed, so I usually carry my own.