
Where can I find pure almonds in any shape or size?
They can be in their original form, or peeled, or crushed, or whatever, but with nothing else added, no sugar etc. I want them to use in baking desserts.

I breezed thru a Wellcome yesterday, but only found large tins of ‘almond powder’ that can be turned into a drink by adding hot water. That’s not what I’m looking for.

Where should I be looking? Nothing at my local Carrefour, maybe the Tianmu Carrefour, Tesco, Costco?

Try Di Hua Jie or any larger traditional market. They should not be too difficult to find as a lot of chinese bakers use them.

Try DiHua Street, it’s full of Chinese Medicine shops selling, well everything really. You will find almonds, cashews, walnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, pistachios, dried figs, sultanas, loads of pulses, herbal teas, etc, etc, plus about a zillion things you have no idea what they are or what you do with them. Dihau St. is a small street in the west of the city and is at the end (almost) of MinSheng West Rd.
Go here (entering - No 6 DiHua, Section 1 will show you the beginning of the street). Happy exploring :sunglasses:

Stock up. Almond prices will go through the roof next season. … 727620.htm

125 Ming Le in the Dihua area has or had them. They also have just about every other baking and cooking item you may want.

Thanks guys.

So Dihua Str is where I’ll be heading.

Thanks again.

For those interested:
a 600g (1 jin) bag of pure almond powder (no sugar added) goes for 160 NT, a bit more expensive than I thought, but I think that’s because almonds are imported from the US. The transparent bags are for sale just about everywhere in the Dihua Street/Minsheng W Rd area, along with other nuts and powders.

[color=green]Mod added: WCIF Unsalted Almonds?[/color]

7-11 = no
Welcome= no
Breeze= no
City Super= no
Jason’s= no
________ = yes

125 MinLe Street in the DiHua area. This is a baking DIY store that has been mentioned before. You will find everything from pie crusts, baking pans, spices, numerous kinds of unsalted nuts for baking to all manner of other backing supplies. Namahottie has the address for another up in her area. Both are excellent but each has some items the other doesn’t have.

City Super no longer? Hmpphh.

Cottonfields has them. Pretty pricey though as they are organic.

I haven’t been to Costco since December but they used to have them. Big big bags at very low low prices.

I think that I’ve seen them at the Mami store near Shida. They certainly have a range of nuts. I think that they have almonds.

Costco and usually Florida Bakery have them as well.

the salt being only a seasoning and not a flavour,can’t you just wash some salted ones?

[quote=“CowsAreFun”]Hello everyone!

Can anyone help me find the following items around Taipei? (or recommend a chain store)

Dried Sliced/Flaked Almonds:

…mmm, yumm, and super healthy too. But somehow, remarkably difficult to obtain in supermarkets, it turns out. My next best guess is from one of those nightmarket stalls where you can buy ‘freshly ground’ almond powder. But, that’s rather needlessly expensive. Any ideas? [/quote]

[quote=“Dragonbones”][quote]Dried Sliced/Flaked Almonds:

also mmm, yumm, and super healthy too. But somehow, remarkably difficult to obtain in supermarkets, it turns out. My next best guess is from one of those nightmarket stalls where you can buy ‘freshly ground’ almond powder. But, that’s rather needlessly expensive. Any ideas?[/quote]

baking supply stores[/quote]

The best shop for baking goods is easily City Super and although I know they have lots of availables in the shop within Far Eastern ‘The Mall’ on Dunhua South Road I haven’t been to check out the new City Super shop in the New SOGO on Zhongxiao East Road and Fuxing South Road intersection.[/quote]

(Mod note: This is to clean up another couple of threads. --DB)

Salted nuts?

I see a bad joke coming.