America heading for anarchy

Yup, liquidity rules. Time to buy into crypto!

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That’s the sad thing. America is so rich, but there is so much violence, poverty, and people die earlier than in much poorer countries. A few decades ago this wasn’t the case at all.

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Where? In America?

I see your point, however people in the US die of very different things than poor people in poor countries. I’ll take diabetus over malaria any day.

Yeah, you can take your diabetes, but remember that “average age” is based on the average of ages that people die. Even developing countries don’t really have six year olds being murdered in their classrooms by fellow civilians with guns that are so lethal, the children’s heads go flying off when shot. Sure, plenty of unstable, military dictatorship countries have problems with soldiers shooting civilians, and that includes schoolchildren, but the US is quite unique in its mass gun death count.

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The USA’s debt is an investment strategy that has only come close to failing when a certain political party has held the national debt hostage. US government debt is not the same thing as household debt. A recession and US national debt are not related, though not raising the debt ceiling would certainly cause a collapse of the entire global financial system. Certain financial pundits have been screeching about a “looming recession” since before 2016, citing the imminent collapse of the USD and need to quickly invest in gold, due to US government borrowing. I stopped listening to that nonsense around 2019, but I imagine when there was all that COVID-related financial nightmare stuff in early spring of 2020, many of them were like “seee? I said the US has borrowed too much money and is about to collapse financially! I predicted it!”, even though COVID had nothing to do with their proud “US is one grade away from junk” bragging. You may have noticed, the US has more unfilled jobs than people right now?

I’m not able to be as morbidly myopic as that. Yes it’s bad. Gun deaths and the young. Numbers nowhere near the top ten though. Heart disease and cancer though. If those numbers were just kids. Wow.

Anyway the original comparison was something else entirely. I’m not judging which is morally better as manner of death comparisons are mostly absurd.

330 million open jobs? Gonna go with nah.

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Ok, play semantics. There are currently more job openings than workers available to fill them.

America’s national debt is projected to increase from 30 trillion dollars to 50 trillion dollars in the next ten years. Interest payments alone on that debt will be 1,4 trillion dollars annually, most of which will have to be borrowed. At 1.4 trillion and growing it will be the third largest component of the annual federal budget. If uncontrolled debt accumulation is considered an “investment strategy” rather than an act of desperation then America is in big trouble.

I take issue with that as well as the “semantics.”

Aren’t a whole lot of people are sitting this one out? Willingness to work 100% above board is way down.

:joy:. You mean people are realizing there’s more to life than a generous paycheck at the expense of time with family and friends? That they don’t want to work multiple jobs if they don’t have to? The way welfare laws work in the US, people are required to work, often unpaid “jobs” to collect welfare. It’s not like everyone is sitting on their butts collecting government handouts while employers struggle to find employees.

Sort of, sort of not. Workforce participation rate is way down, but a lot of it is older people who have stepped out of the workforce. Probably some combo of fuck it and I don’t need this shit. I can respect that. :wink:

If you restrict it to prime working age, 25-54, numbers seem to have recovered.

The narrative is always about the young though, never the old lazy fucks. :wink:

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The unemployment rate in the United States edged down to 3.5 percent in March 2023, against expectations that it would hold at 3.6 percent. The number of unemployed people decreased by 97 thousand to 5.839 million and employment levels rose by 577 thousand to 160.892 million. The so-called U-6 unemployment rate, which also includes people who want to work, but have given up searching and those working part-time because they cannot find full-time employment, decreased to 6.7 percent in March from 6.8 percent. Meanwhile, the labor force participation rate edged up to 62.6 percent in March from 62.5 percent in February, the highest since March 2020. source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Counterargument: “Of course, that’s what they’d say- my sister knows a guy in college who has a cousin who just graduated and hasn’t been able to find a job in Silicon Valley or Wall St. in two whole months!”

A few decades ago America didn’t have such unsalvageable inequality and health crisis.

Before 1980 America’s life expetancy is similar to other developed countries.

Not really. Many factors contribute to the awful life expectancy in America. Death from drug overdose, suicide rate, and homicide rate are all much higher in America than in other developed countries.

Also, causes of death is different from longevity. Newborn, infant and children mortality is much higher in America than in other developed countries and some developing countries, which has an oversized impact on life expectancy for obvious reasons.

The reality is Americans’ well-being is in terrible shape and it’s getting worse.

A lot of those things are preventable.

Sorry, but people only go flying when shot in the movies. In reality that does not happen. Think about it, if a gun can send a person flying it should also send the shooter flying.

And you want to know what’s the most lethal firearms according to FBI stats? It’s not assault weapons for sure! Shotguns are actually the most lethal firearms. Your chance of death when hit by a shotgun is pretty high. With pistols it’s a lot lower chance of death when shot once.

Put it this way… For the first time in my life I felt that I wasn’t safe walking at night and should avoid certain areas. (Don’t have that in Australia, NZ, Taiwan or UK) I would go to any area at night and feel safe in those countries…

Although I admit I didn’t spend much time in the UK… But I spent the same amount of time in America as I spent in the UK!

For the first time I saw a man walk into a store and casually put things in his bag and he walked out (without paying) - Never seen this in Australia, NZ, Taiwan or UK…

America IS and always has been a third world country.
A first world country would have good healthcare system for starters…

When I stayed in a nice airBNB I asked the owner why they rent the house for airBNB while having her family of 4 (mom, dad and 2 children) live at her moms house. Her answer was that her husband had a huge medical bill that they are STILL paying off.
Again… in a “first world country” such a medical bill would be unheard of…


When I landed back in the states in 2014, the person picking me up drove through that neighborhood near LAX airport.

Man this is the first time I felt danger… like the whole neighborhood has this vibe that something bad can happen any time. No areas in Taiwan, even the so called bad areas, are like this.

American government doesn’t really represent the will of its people. If they did their medical expense wouldn’t be so insane.