hi ! we will be moving to taipei this july as expat (british) family. we are looking to join ACC in taipei where need a recommendation letter. Any member can help us regarding this matter.
I don’t know if anyone here is a member to be honest. You’d be better off waiting till you get here since you’re supposed to know the referrer in real life.
thank you ! just hoping there is someone can help us to settle the expat life in taipei. Rather than going to the pubs.
Play any sports?
running mainly … used to play rugby
200000 NT$/year membership I think, but you get a swimming pool, dining/lunch vouchers and other stuff. Most of the members I knew are gone now, moved on to other places. Was invited a few times.
thank you ! i am aware of the fee. I am also a member of hong kong football club in Hk where they recommend me to join the ACC if possible. however i would need another member recommendation letter hence to join the club.
I’ll try and see if someone is still in Taiwan that’s a member.
Womens rugby or mens?
women. no more ! too old … those school days
I think there is currently a 2 year wait to get membership. I believe new members can only join when old members leave. I hope I’m wrong.
British Chamber of Commerce could be a networking option.
All I can offer you is Gaelic football.
we are looking to join that one too and european chamber of commerce . ACC offered one year rental membership during the waiting period .
rugby and running marathon is my thing … not football i am afraid.
Ok. Touch rugby. Final offer.
that sounds good to me …