American with Taiwan born Parent: TARC, NWOHR, NHI, Dual Citizenship, Double Taxation,

Congratulations on getting the NWOHR passport.

I haven’t gone through the HHR process myself under the new law, but there are several threads on the topic here on the forum.

In general, I think the main hurdle you will have is actually establishing a physical residence in Taiwan in order to get HHR. If you have a relative (or maybe even friend) who is willing to let you use their address for HHR, then that should work, but will require your relative or friend to produce some documentation proving the property ownership and so forth. It gets more complicated if you don’t have anyone in Taiwan who will let you use their address. In that case, I think, you have to find some rental property on your own, discuss with the landlord in advance that you plan to register HHR there (apparently, many landlords will object, though the law requires them to comply with your request), and finally sign a rental contract. Then, once you have a rental contract and are actually living at that address, then you should be able to register your HHR at that address. It is still unfortunately rather complicated because apparently the standard, widely-available rental contract form might not be enough for the HHR office, and they might want a “notarized” contract, which is more difficult to obtain. However, apparently the law says that in case you cannot provide the correct notarized contract or other supporting documents to prove your residency address, then the HHR office may actually send someone to come by your physical address to see that you are living there, talk with your neighbors/landlord, etc. After physical verification, even without supporting documents, then the HHR office should allow you to register HHR at that address.

Here’s another related thread that you might want to read through: HHR and the new 2024 changes .