Huh…strange days indeed…
[quote]Americas Newest Mormon Conservative Leader – Rush Limbaugh?
March 32, 2011 | Stephen Stromberg
Rush Limbaugh confirmed today the rumor that he and his wife Catherine have been meeting with Mormon missionaries for the past few months and are seriously considering committing to the Utah based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Limbaugh was quite forthcoming in how his fascination with Mormonism began. “Over the years there have been a number of things about the Mormons that have really caught my attention.” Limbaugh stated.
“Mormons are the most conservative religious group in the United States, their support for President Bush, traditional marriage, the tea party, really earned them my respect.” Rush said.
“I also find that rejecting conventional wisdom leads to finding greater truth, and I think it would be hard to find a Christian faith that embodies that quite they way they do” he added.
When asked if his connections with other well known Mormons like Glenn Beck or Mitt Romney had any influence, Limbaugh downplayed their role in his spiritual search. “From what little time I’ve spend with Glenn and Mitt, I can tell they are great guys, but so are a lot of other non-Mormon conservatives. Plus, I don’t think anybody’s religion should be judged on the basis of members who are public figures. Nobody is a perfect example of the faith they aspire to live by.”
Limbaugh also make it clear that should he convert to Mormonism, he would not feel obligated to endorse a Mormon candidate. “You have to look at the whole package, what America needs is a strong conservative voice and religion shouldn’t be a factor. The media only brings it up in hopes of dividing Americans against each other even further.” He added.
When asked if he found anything surprising in Mormonism he admitted “I knew they were a conservative people, but I was really amazed at how their Book of Mormon has such a strong political, right wing message. American exceptionally, it’s there, limited government, that’s there too, even the Bush doctrine is in there in a way. I really didn’t expect things like that be doctrine to them.”
When asked if he would actually consider giving up ‘adult beverages’ and his beloved cigars to conform to the requirements Mormons must live Rush grew noticeably uneasy. “I’ve been trying e-cigarettes.” He said. “We’ll just have to see how things go.”
Limbaugh seemed unconcerned about there being a backlash from evangelical Christians, who don’t view Mormons as Christians. “A lot of the hostility aimed at Mormonism is a mirror of the hostility aimed at me for being an effective conservative voice. It’s the same kind of irrational hatred, the same kind of childish attacks. And I’ve never been one to back down on my beliefs. I’m content to let time prove me right as it always does, and I really think we are only talking a small minority that the media loves to play up.”
Backlash has already begun however. Mike Huckabee, who is considered by some to be largely responsible for the 2008 nomination going to McCain rather than Romney, responded to the rumor by saying “Rush should be forced, at gunpoint, to watch September Dawn and read every book ever written by the Tanners.’[/quote]
Well…they look like such nice clean people…and they smile a lot…