And yet again...another shooting rampage in the USA

The gun crowd creates stabby criminals?

How does that work?

I could offer up an answer here, but I have a hard time thinking it would be one you’d agree with. For the record, I’m a firm believer in the second amendment and the right to bear arms. Just don’t think it’s out of line to require some basic background checks and tighten up some loopholes before people buy AR-15s.

Hope you’re enjoying your summer, sir.

You support rights in the abstract, but not necessarily in the concrete?

There’s loopholes and then there’s GIANT FUCKING CHASMS OF IGNORANCE.

GFCofI seems to be what sells these days. More guns mean we’re all safe. Something like that.

Makes it that much harder to disarm the populace.

Why disarm them? Just feed them conservative media and keep them placated.

By them I mean you of course.

That’s a good plan. I mean it.

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“They want to take away your AR-15 because it’s big and it’s black…” - Jericho Green

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A ballsier location than they usually choose, although my money would be on some kind of personal dispute.

Must have been quite some shoot-up.

Meanwhile around 2300 shot in Philadelphia in the last 52 weeks alone.



Sounds like a good reason for stronger national gun control laws. Too bad the NRA won’t let that happen because of profit. Isn’t it too bad large corporatist monopolies exercise so much power over our part of our government?

No, it isn’t.

For 1 in 100 people I guess you’re right. I should have clarified. Definitely not good for mass shooting victims.

NRA is going through bankruptcy.
Not to excuse them. The top management team basically skimmed all the money. Just another sheety organizational scam, doesn’t matter if from the right or left.

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Invest in guns and funeral homes!

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