Andrew Yang and the Forward Party

Can listen to him all day long, so knowledgeable, so well spoken. Hope he gets a job in the new administration.

You think he’ll be willing to work with Trump? :thinking:


Probably career limiting.

I hope Yang goes back to making buckets of moolah to keep current on things that matter to Americans, finds/grows a spine, stands up to the Democrat party’s identity politics (fast becoming open racism) addicts, and runs again.

Guy’s definitely worth saving, even if he stays a Dem.

I didn’t mean prison warden… :thinking:

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Neither did I. :slightly_smiling_face:

OK, another Yang speaks vid

It’s so refreshing to listen to people who leave the bullshit bits out of the discussion.

So many good points to contemplate about. I really hope that more people like Yang come out and play major roles in politics on both sides of the spectrum, and get not corrupted by the system. Maybe he’s already being corrupted by CNN, I dunno, he still seems to be quite authentic, though.

Unfortunately, Yang seems incredibly naive when it comes to China.

Don’t see the naivety in that.

He’s going to deal with issues like Chinese theft of IP and “various human rights issues” by…wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Keep waiting.

On IP theft, it’s pure naivety to believe that you can negotiate with China to stop. IP theft is a foundational part of Chinese industry and their economy. If they stop stealing, they will not be able to achieve their goals. Any action the US takes to actually stop IP theft will not be accepted willingly by the Chinese. Basically, if they agree to do something on IP theft, you know that it’s going to be ineffective.

On human rights, it’s an insult to call them “issues” instead of “abuses.” Here too, it’s naive to believe that you can convince China to change its ways. Governments that round people up and put them into “reeducation” camps don’t stop doing these things because you sit down at a table and ask them to nicely.

And the comment about being able to collaborate on climate change and AI is silly. China is the world’s biggest polluter and primarily uses AI as a tool for oppression. Yang says the US falls victim to zero sum thinking, which might be true, but he’s a fool if he doesn’t believe that the Chinese are also playing zero sum games. China has been playing “China first” way before Trump made “America first” a thing.

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I didn’t know he lived in NYC. I thought he was in Cali.

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I’d like to see how he handles the attempt. Blahblasio is awful. It will be interesting if he wins to see him implement some of the social credit system of rewards only he wrote about in his book.

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Neither did I!

He’s from Schenectady.

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Speaking of New York…

I like Jimmy Dore. He reminds me of my uncles :slight_smile:


Makes me like Yang even more.


On healthcare, he has said that while he supports “the spirit of Medicare for All”, he “would keep the option of private insurance”, with the ultimate goal to “demonstrate to the American people that private insurance is not what [they] need” and that Medicare for All is “superior to [their] current insurance.”[194] His 2020 policy proposal did not commit to Medicare for All or contain a public option, focusing instead on reducing costs and eventually expanding coverage.

Yang supports the implementation of “democracy dollars”: $100 every year, “use it or lose it”, for citizens to give to candidates. The policy aims to drown out corporate money resulting from political lobbying and Citizens United v. FEC .[199][200] He supports ending partisan gerrymandering,[201] introducing ranked-choice voting,[202] and lowering the national voting age to 16.
He supports a carbon tax and bringing the U.S. back into the Paris Climate Agreement,[206] as well as investing in thorium-based nuclear power.[180] He supports legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and has pledged to appoint pro-choice judges.[207]
… Yang has criticized China’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority and China’s “more aggressive stance throughout the region, whether towards Hong Kong, Taiwan, or in the South China Sea.”[214] He also voiced support for the 2019-20 Hong Kong protests.[215] At the same time, Yang has warned against entering a “New Cold War” with China and stated: “We’re not going to be able to address global threats like climate change and even collaborate on artificial intelligence if we don’t have a certain level of cooperation between the US and China.”[216]

Yang has opposed U.S. military support for the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen[217] and has backed a more aggressive policy toward Russia, saying, “Russia is our biggest geopolitical threat, because they’ve been hacking our democracy successfully.”

Sounds good.

Yang lost his way it seemed, it looks like Eric Adams is getting broad support. Solid choice

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