Andrew Yang and the Forward Party

The most important part of the narrative was that Trump colluded with Russia, which was completely bogus from the start. Another part of the narrative that was completely false was that Russia “hacked” the 2016 election. No hacking was involved.



Democrats today…Hippocrates much?

Trump asked the Russians to hack the DNC in a rally. Whether it’s true or not, it’d be total incompetence if responsible agencies didn’t look into it. If there’s anyone to blame for generating buzz around Trump working with the Russians, Trump and his team should probably take a look in the mirror.

To anyone with even a modicum of a sense of humor, that was a joke. If you’re going to collude with a foreign power, you don’t do it in an internationally televised speech. The fact that Democrats bring this up as an example of collusion is nothing more than a testament to their level of delusion or idiocy. Oh, and the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, as the media has claimed repeatedly.

I’d put the blame at about 10% Trump campaign, 90% media and Democratic operatives.


I’m taking it that you haven’t been reading American newspapers for the past three years, then.

Candidate Trump joked that please, Russia, hack the DNC servers in order to point out Clinton’s collusion with the DNC and her use of private servers for DOS documents.

He had contact with Russia before the election, as did Clinton (and every other Democrat POTUS candidate for the past 75 years), and he had contact with Russia during the transition (as has every other uninaugurated President for the past 150 years), and of course he’s had contact with Russia since. All standard, except the political ploy designed to draw a line connecting the dots among the DNC, Clinton, and her egregious server error (crime).

But Trump has been trumpeted as a tool of Russia above the fold and daily since he won in November 2016. If there’s anyone to blame for generating buzz around Trump working with the Russians, it’s the American media and Democrats who own the damn mirror.


To anyone with even a modicum of common sense, they’d know you shouldn’t joke about such things. It wasn’t funny, and saying such inappropriate things comes with consequences, such as being investigated. Next time Trump’s a civilian, he’d be one of those grumps who jokes about a bomb on a plane.

I really hope you’re kidding with that. If there was ANY truth to it believe me Pelosi, AOC and CNN have 100 people working on it 24/7 and it’ll be on the news for another 2 years. Anderson Cooper and Lemonhead will be thrilled and never shut up…the fact that that hasn’t happened yet should tell you something.

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That’s the mindset of an establishment politician, which Trump obviously is not. And thank god for that.

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That’s not why he was investigated, and it’s not why he should have been investigated. Mueller was appointed Special Counsel and launched an investigation after Trump fired James Comey. It had nothing to do with Trump’s pointing out that Hillary owned the DNC (their debt) and had a history of moving state secrets off line and pushing them onto private servers in her control only.

Uh…so…I watched it and… Nothing as expected. Seriously?? I should have expected nothing. I thought you actually had something called “evidence of connection”…

Trump fired Comey because he wouldn’t comply with dropping Russia related investigations.

And what did the investigations find? Trump had zero connections with Russia… Could it be Trump did that because Comey is crooked and put there by Clintons and Obamas and Comey wiretapped Trump. Also Trump has every right to fire the FBI Chief for any reason including not trusting the guy and Comey proved himself to be crooked he is politically biased

No, Trump fired James Comey because Comey was obviously a partisan Democrat (obvious to Trump very quickly) and because his ego threatened Trump’s own.

Trump did not collude with Russia, the whole narrative was a lie - and Trump knew it - and therefore he had zero reason to fire Comey for that reason because there was no there there.

I’m thinking that you may have read American media pretty heavily in the past three years after all. Just not read it objectively.

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Its pretty clear he hasn’t at this point, these are arguments people were making 1 yr ago that don’t fly today. Its like explaining history to someone…Im tired of this so done with this convo

We’ll hear from Robert Mueller on the 24th.

That’s what he wants you to believe. He’s a brilliant, mastermind criminal, plotting his takeover of the US for over thirty years with the help of the Russians when they were still Soviets. Evidence of this will be seen by all if we could only see his taxes!

Also, he can’t read and didn’t really want to be President.

or something

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Comey is a democrat, right, sure, next thing you are gonna say is Mueller is also a democrat.

OMG, I’m waiting with bated breath for the bombshell that’ll finally get Trump impeached…resist!

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