Another big nose busted for growing weed

A single plant? LOL. What a joke. And I see no buds on it. So is it still illegal?

Now this is a bust:

In the apartment, they found a living marijuana plant

Alright K-man, that one was pretty funny. Somewhat facetious, but funny anyway.


They include the leaves and the stem when they weigh it and don’t distinguish between the buds and the rest of the plant. Growing is also considered as “manufacturing” even if just one plant.

So when you bust someone with Ketamine (common like weed in Western countries) lets weigh the bag too and the clothes. Stupid? yes. The actual drug isn’t in those.

Agree it’s stupid , just letting people know that’s how they do it here. And getting busted for Ket is way less serious here too.

Should have grown ivy

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They have to be joking at Taiwan News. I had a good laugh about this seedling picture and “37 grams of marijuana products, and utensils used in the drug’s manufacturing and distribution”.
Seriously, what kind of distribution would they be doing with this Charlie Brown Christmas tree pot plant?


Even a Taiwan judge can probably be convinced this was for personal use. And he hadn’t processed it in any way so hopefully he gets a light sentence for his horticultural efforts.
I’m just amazed that they waited months to ‘bust’ him.
Recently there seems to have been a lot of marijuana busts, they may be working through supply lists from horticultural providers, hydroponics or something. Or else it’s become a big thing all of a sudden for no apparent reason. They should be looking for synthetic cannbinoids and cathinones which are a lot more dangerous, they can turn you practically into a zombie. Also ketamine has much worse health effects than cannabis.
Let me be clear I would never try any of this stuff in Taiwan it is just a legal nightmare.


Moreover, someone tipped the cops, who stalked out «the farmer». Interesting how someone thought this feeble plant was worth going to the cops
And the cops actually listened. No doubt the accuser spinned takes of endless green fields and luckily they did strike green. However, it makes you wonder: what if nothing is found? What if evidence is planted instead of found? Witch hunting has a dark side. As you guys say, the real danger - and the real money- is not in weed.


Yeah the story is a bit odd from the cops. They found out in Sept but didn’t do anything till Dec. Why?

That’s a good point. In any modern country the cops would get sued big time for a groundless search. Somehow I think in Taiwan you would probably get a buhaoyisi, yeah sorry we trashed your house for no reason.

Seems like a good way to harass people you don’t like. Just say they have a weed plant.

What I fear is that in a face saving situation, you won’t get a buhaoisu.

At least in the old country, if they do not find something, they put it there. Depending on who you are, even with a gun and several bodies, they find nothing.

And yes, interestingly, this time it was not the current gf. Maybe an ex dropped the law on the guy?


They probably were listening in on his phone calls and messenger posts trying to find a bigger bust and more evidence. I guess they decided he wasn’t a valuable asset so busted him and closed down the police operation. No doubt all his contacts have been looked into as well.

I love how the story about the Ivy League professor concludes with this line:

"Apart from starting up the growing of marijuana at home, he also invested in a restaurant, according to the Apple Daily."

Really? You mean his income from that single marijuana plant wasn’t enough for this drug kingpin? lol


“Your Honor, the store told me me it was a ‘Christmas’ star plant (poinsettia). They said the leaves will turn red around Christmas, but then the police took it away. I’m not a horticulturist!” :astonished:

Maybe they had to wait for the plant to grow a little more? Otherwise, it would look like this


That’s even worse than growing weed, potentially poisoning people!

my sources say it was a bawan food stall


Why can’t you collect rainwater?

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