Another big nose busted for growing weed

It’s illegal in many parts of the U.S. Why? Good question.


There are historical reasons that made sense at the time, bit like parts of the Constitution.

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In the old country we have mosquito transmitting stuff like yellow fever, dengue, malaria. Rain collection is frowned upon as it becomes a breeding ground for such mosquitoes.

However, I do not think they have such issues in most Northern USA.

I think in the US of A it is as a deterrent for off the grid living. I am purely speculating.

Here’s the full rundown

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That’s like a whole lab in a mosquito!

TBH, yes, they can actually carry several strands, if I recall correctly.

In Colorado it seems you can use two barrels of rainwater for irrigation and gardening but not for a shower. I wonder if I am reading that right :).


The court added that because Lee had no previous convictions prior to this case and many students were able to attest to his moral character, he will not face deportation once he serves his sentence in prison and will be allowed to stay in Taiwan.

moral of the story, be a good teacher


Corruption going on there it seems or at least prejudice of some nature. If you read the Chinese versions you will find that he had 123 plants, he was also growing which counts as manufacture, lying about not knowing it was illegal which would make him of bad character not good as the article states now contrast that with the case a few years ago where an American with no previous convictions was busted for 3 plants and got 6 years with deportation after sentence (he was married here too).
Incidently I think it should be decriminalized just pointing out this case is very fishy. 2 years for manufacturing a class B substance in Taiwan ?


Moral of the story, be Han.


Lee has Taiwanese parents ?

I should mention our old poster friend here had grown a few poppy plants as well which was pretty unfortunate. And I think he got caught on some drug sales list…

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They’ll probably give him the passport too when he’s out considering his outstanding service, good moral character, and no prison sentence of over two years.


Yep! Had he been an actual “big nose” white guy like me, he’d really get hammered. Racism is alive and well in Taiwan!


I for one am immensely comforted to know that, in the unlikely event that I end up in some kind of bind, I can rely on you pigfuckers to vouch for my impeccable character. :+1:


On Jan. 30, the teacher, surnamed Lee (李), 52, was arrested at his home in Taoyuan City’s Longtan District, where police found 163 marijuana plants, 893 grams of dry cannabis, and related drug growing paraphernalia. Although the court considered Lee’s drug-growing operation illegal, he was handed a commuted sentence of two years because his students, parents, and colleagues said he had a conscientious attitude and “valued teaching over making money.”

Yet, the poor western guy who had a family and was found with much less in his apartment was so distraught at the prospect of being locked up for 7 years he stabbed himself to death in court with a pair of scissors. Was his fault not having a “conscientious attitude”, or was it not paying off the authorities, or was it not having connections, or was it not being the right color skin? Or was it a combination of the last three? Because that first one is some ole bullshit.


Yet so many crying about the injustice and racism of Harvard who love Taiwan hahahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Pretty sure you can stop at

On Jan. 30, the teacher, surnamed Lee (李)


Racism is bad anywhere. Whether it’s against Asians in the US, or against whites in Taiwan. I can’t believe I have to state such an obvious point. Can you chew gum and walk at the same time?

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