Another Foreigner Arrested

This is the only acceptable way to rob a grocery store.
All the others are amateurs.

The things that the westerners do that are mentioned in this thread doesn’t help the Taiwanese perception of non Taiwanese. They are racist enough as it is, crap like this doesn’t help.

[quote=“Ibis2k12”]I don’t know what would be funnier:

a) The guy actually planning this long in advance, entering some convenience stores until he found one with a single employee and wait until he went to the toilet to commit his perfect crime.

b) The guy just randomly walking in a 711 with a rope, noticed the employee going to the toilet and think:“Hey, I’ve just had a great idea!”.

Mankind is truly amazing![/quote]
Maybe he went to the washroom just so the foreigner would be at the till waiting for a half hour to buy something.

Following the trend of negative reporting about furriners, there was this revolving piece about this guy from Finland, news claimed he was 38 -but looked like 62, honestly- who arrived a couple of months ago and ran out of money, so he is being sheltered by the mercy and charity of Taiwanese people in Alishan. Scheduled to leave on March, he says he won’t leave until he has traveled all he wants - his heart’s desire is to visit that world known fantastic touristic spot known as Keelung, won’t leave without seeing it.

His words, not mine. Won’t leave until he sees Keelung - I hope he meant he confused it with Kenting…

he also said the instant noodles he was given were delicious.

At 62 everything is delicious and
Keelung is a wondrous place

Being sheltered in Alishan…??

[quote=“tommy525”]At 62 everything is delicious and
Keelung (Jilong) is a wondrous place

Being sheltered in Alishan…??[/quote]

Tommy, the report said he’s 38. I think he looks a bit bit older - or at least worn out.

He quite likes candy and has been to Taiwan six times, if I understand correctly.

something seems amiss in this story, is this guy all there?

[quote=“Charlie Phillips”]

He quite likes candy and has been to Taiwan six times, if I understand correctly.[/quote]

Says he’s 39 and wandering around. I agree with the poster above. No, I don’t think he is all there. He needs to see a psychiatrist.

Doesn’t speak much English or Chinese they say. They will have to deport him I guess. Preferably after he gets sorted out a bit though.

He thinks instant noodles are a culinary treat and thinks Keelung is the eighth wonder of the world, so yeah maybe a sandwich short of a picnic.

If he’s 39 and looks like 60+, that might indicate substance abuse, as that tends to age people.

His beard doesn’t show a hint of greying, so he’s probably not in his 60s.

He looks more like 40’s.

Hwat the fuck was that anyway? a homeless foreign national?

He looks as if he’s been though a grinder.